Unable to receive email!


Verified User
Jan 13, 2004
When a user named "abc" with domain "myabc.com" is created, he automatically get its Email account "[email protected]" with the login "abc".

However, when he create another domain "mybbc.com", another email with the same login "abc" mapping to [email protected] will be generated!

Eventually the user cannot receive email either sent to "[email protected]" or "[email protected]", neither can he check the email!

How to solve this issue????
John isn't there ... :eek: :eek:

I can't receive mail with default email..
can I disable open a new email account when a user is created?
But I thought you wanted to *disable* him from creating any? Maybe I'm not sure what you're after here.
Just want to not create a new email address with his username as the login when the user is created~

But he can still create his own email!

Can I?:eek:
Oh ya. You can't though any DA configuration setting I know of. Sorry.
It's still some problem concerning the default email address of the user!

I have tried to send a email to the default email of the user I just created, the email cannot be received!!

Oh.. it really gives me a headache..

Do other emails work on different accounts?

The odd thing here is that I have the email l0rdphi1@ setup on multiple domains on the same account without any problems.
Arrrrrha, DA really shows me they have same login........ :eek:


This is captured from the same account!
Well that there sure looks like a bug to me. :)

Give support@ a copy of that.
Hello :)

Those email accounts all go to the same account. The email accounts that use the DA login username all point to the system email account, so the same login is used. All email starting with that username to any domain owned by that users will be forwarded to the system email account... and will all be recieved by checking that account.

If you want to make sure that the domain forwarder to the system account is setup correctly, then just check /etc/virtual/domain.com/aliases and look for a line that says:

username: username

That's what takes the email from [email protected] and forwards it to the "username" system account.
