Unable to restore

Pacific Spirit

Verified User
Jan 15, 2021

I have been switched recently to DA since cPanel increase their prices. But when I try to restore a cPanel backup to my DA system it give me constantly an migration error. Here is the error messages that they give, I have self a VPS server with root access for DA so I have all features asked and needed to manage it.

Cannot find creator 'ajamlojb' when restoring 'user.ajamlojb.qudadesi.tar.gz'. Reverting to 'admin'
Unable to add forwarder *
Catch all is now set to :fail:

Error with system Quotas
setquota: Mountpoint (or device) / not found or has no quota enabled.
setquota: Not all specified mountpoints are using quota.

Debug Guide

Error with system Quotas
setquota: Mountpoint (or device) / not found or has no quota enabled.
setquota: Not all specified mountpoints are using quota.

Is there any way or tips how to fix it?

Debug Guide

Is ther any
I found the problem, when I run the restore program, it deletes the files and folders.

backup/user.usage - user.usage.lock
pigz: skipping: /home/admin/admin_backups/cpmove-clienthl.tar.gz: corrupted -- incomplete deflate data
pigz: abort: internal threads error
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Failed to extract /home/admin/admin_backups/cpmove-clienthl.tar.gz to /home/admin/admin_backups/clienthl_cpanel_to_convert

Error converting file: /home/admin/admin_backups/cpmove-clienthl.tar.gz: Converting clienthl (/home/admin/admin_backups/cpmove-clienthl.tar.gz)...
Found previous /home/admin/admin_backups/clienthl. Removing...

File '/home/admin/admin_backups/cpmove-clienthl.tar.gz' has not been restored