Updating with CB 2.0


Verified User
Sep 21, 2012

On the index page of DA, CB 2.0 shows 8 updates available.
But going in CB page for updating, there no entries.

Clicking on both "Update customBuild" and "update customBuild script and versions" made no difference.

How do I get the available updates visibel again?
For now you could do it manually
1) #  cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild  

2) # ./build update  

3) # ./build versions  

4) # ./build update_versions

Could you be more specific about the problem. Are you using the new evolution skin? Did you change something?
You can skip step 3.) because that will only show installed and newer versions but update nothing. So 1, 2 and 4 will do the trick. ;)
Hi Fred and Richard,

Thank you for the response.

I didn't do anything special, and using default template from DA.
This server is only a few months old.

These are the specs:
Centos 7.4.1708 64 bit
Apache 2.4.29
DirectAdmin 1.52.1
Exim 4.90
MariaDB 10.2.12
Named 9.9.4
dovecot 2.3.0 (c8b89eb)
pure-ftpd 1.0.47
Php 7.1.13
CB 2.0.0 (rev: 1816)

Did the update manually now, but still wondering why CB doesn't show the list of available updates.
During manual update I can see that the "Build process in progress" message in the update software tab.

Another annoying issue is that remote access to the MariaDB databases does not work.
It is denying access for some users, while others can connect.
But that's one for a new topic.
but still wondering why CB doesn't show the list of available updates.
Since I've seen you writing about this in your first post. Did you install the Custombuild plugin?

If yes, maybe you can ask about this and the fact that new updates were not shown in the Plugin thread:
Martinas (smtalk) is giving good support in that thread, he might find a cause for this issue.
We have the same 'problem'.

The custombuild-plugin shows '1' at the main page of DA. Normally the update page of CB would then show what needs to be updated. But now it shows nothing.

So it seems that the counter for the menu in DA is at of sync with the update-page of CB-plugin.

nb. the thread you link to is so long.... with all kind of problems....
that is why i relpy here... I hope it is ok and @smtalk will look here too :eek:

Greetz, Lydia
That thread is long, but last reply given is january 2nd 2018, so I gues you have a better chance there, especially if more users complaint about this. :)
But it's your choice, eventually he probably will be looking here too. :)
It might be related to awstats_process.sh bug in rev. 1818. Please check if rev. 2020 has the same issue. Thank you!
Hi Martynas,

Yes updating from 1816 to 1823 did solve the issue.
Is 2020 a typo?

If not how to update to that version?

And on 1 server I have 1825, on all others I have 1823 why is there a difference?

Last edited:
Hi Martynas,

I took some time to make some images, to show what happens with a few of my servers.

When I fo into DA, I do not see any available updates on the startscreen.

When I go into Custom build, there no update avaialable too:

If I click the "Update CustomBuild" button, it seems like the list gets updated:

And after that, the list is showing the available updates after all:
This is how custombuild works :) It will not show you any updates, if you do not update custombuild itself. If you have a cronjob setup on your other servers to auto-update CB and inform you about updates, it does the "./build update" automatically for you, and shows available updates in DA. I hope that answers your question. Thank you!

BTW, we have autover=yes setting to download versions.txt with every "./build" command ran, that might show updates on the first screen too, because it'd download versions.txt before executing other commands.