userdir_access is not supported anymore?


Verified User
Apr 7, 2010
Hi all,

If I try to perform 'da build version' I get an error message:
[root@s2 custombuild]# da build update
directadmin current v1.668 a506a8eed6f37306640650095a8a65e705bc8c2e is already latest
[root@s2 custombuild]# da build versions
userdir_access is not supported anymore, please change 'userdir_access' line in options.conf
[root@s2 custombuild]#

I have never had this error before. Is there something I have missed? 🤔
How can I solve this?

Thanks for helping me out..
I have never had this error before. Is there something I have missed? 🤔
Yes. DA stopped the support for it. It's in the 1.668 release thread.

Maybe this solution can help you, it's in the same thread.
I just encountered the same error message while attempting to upgrade php versions (8.1,8.2,8.3) in custombuild. This is a relatively new VPS install, i.e. less than a year old with the latest version of DirectAdmin installed. I'm not sure what is going on but I'm not really keen on digging deep into the DNS records to resolve this. This must be a DirectAdmin bug.
Hey Richard, thank you for responding.

I read the thread you suggeted and the release notes on DirectAdmin to see if I could come to a better understanding as to why this instance of DirectAdmin was set as userdir_access was set to yes. And what the potential repercussion of setting it to no might be. Unfortunately, there isn't really any guidance that I could find to explain the origin of this option and why it was suddenly forced to no. So, I did set it to no and ran an update to a version of php (8.1) we don't currently use on a live site and it has worked out fine. To me this is still quite muddled - especially since this DA/VPS configuration is very new - less than a year old. So I will try to find out more which might also help out other folks who encounter this difficulty. And of course, I also have to update php for the live sites which is still pending. Al
And what the potential repercussion of setting it to no might be.
Setting the userdir_access to no just takes care that can not be used anymore.
On certain installations it might be set to yes on default, but as you could read from the release thread, it's intended that admins will set this setting to no themselves and then restart directadmin.

So it's an apache function which is not supported by Directadmin anymore as of the new release, so you don't have to worry about it.
I think we are good to go. I note that DA suggests

"Note: we recommend managing the CB options.conf file either via GUI or with the da build set ... command. This gives CustomBuild a chance to add missing options to the options.conf file or remove no longer needed options."

I am not sure that just changing userdir_access to 'no' in the options.conf file as opposed to using the da build set command - but thought I should mention it here.
I am not sure that just changing userdir_access to 'no' in the options.conf file as opposed to using the da build set command - but thought I should mention it here.
Makes no difference. The da build set commands are more modern. But methods work the same.