using clientexec with DA


Verified User
Jul 1, 2004
Are there any guides or howto's for using ClientExec with DA?

One thing I have question about is how you get only DA or CE to send a welcome message not BOTH for each new account?
Also if anyone can give me a comparison of the features in modernbill and clientexec.

It appears that ce does not do things like multi-server, add/remove bandwidth, add domains to accounts and such. Any confirmation on this?
We use Client Exec as a 'all over' billing solution, however we're NOT happy with it.
The program has a mind of it's own, example:
When we started to use it, we set it's beginning invoice number at 0078, well, it made an invoice alright, number was 78, the next number however was 1000.

We needed to change the invoice template to reflect the legal requirements in my country (VAT support & a socalled VAT company number), well ofcourse it failed a bit; but support ?, nope...
Now they asked us if we wanted to upgrade, however we had to pay quite a lot of money, in comparisson to it's total cost for the upgrade.
Still looking for a new billing solution, which has the possibility for multi server support, and will do the thing I want the way I want it.

For the time being we're using CE mostly as a way to generate invoices faster than creating manual documents, but still, if I had to choose again, I would have bought everything but CE.
I'm stuck with CE for the time being as it's all I can find out there that would bill in £ and $ which I need to do having made some acquisitions.

Modernbill were supposed to be doing that at the end of January. :(

Is anybody here using AWBS ?
If so , would you mind sharing your pro's & con's.
Are you generally happy with it?
Thanks a lot.

I've mailed them about CE import and demo version etc.

CE import is not possible at the moment, however they're working on it.

There is a demo version available which will work for about 2 weeks, so there's enough time to test it :).
Icheb said:
There is a demo version available which will work for about 2 weeks, so there's enough time to test it :).

Thanks for the info Icheb , will give the trial a try , although 2 weeks in my holidays wont be enough I'm afraid, this is not a 123 setup .:rolleyes:
Nevertheless if somebody has good experiences with this program , feel free to post them.

I really just need a simple invoicing system for my few paying clients. I have a free clientexec license and I have it installed and mostly working.

Is there a trick to getting clientexec to connect to DA to provision a client's package? Should I do it this way or just provision manually in DA?

When I try to activate a package from clientexec, I get this:

A failure occured while connecting to the DA server. An e-mail with details has been sent to . Please note that your query has not been executed on the server.

I've spent a few days trying to get CE to work right. Maybe I should just think of it purely as an invoice manager and nothing more. I don't want welcome emails to come from both places, and I'd probably be better off setting up accounts directly in DA myself.

If you are using clientexec, can you tell me your workflow?

Here's what I picture (for my very small hosting business):

- I manually add client in DA
- I manually add client in clientexec
- I add client's package in clientexec
- I invoice client through clientexec

Why, when I add a package in clientexec, does it require a username and password for the package, even though the client already has a username and pwd for clientexec. Seems like my clients will be getting confused really quick with username/pwds for DA, pop accounts, clientexec.

Calling all clientexec users! Talk to me!
I'm stuck with CE for the time being as it's all I can find out there that would bill in £ and $ which I need to do having made some acquisitions.

its located under the admin tab as "currency"

It appears that ce does not do things like multi-server, add/remove bandwidth, add domains to accounts and such. Any confirmation on this?

multi-server - yes... along with multi ips per server.
add/remove bandwidth - no
add domains to accounts - no

One thing I have question about is how you get only DA or CE to send a welcome message not BOTH for each new account?

im not 100% sure if CE is adding users for you, i know with CE you can choose not to send the activation email when you create the account, but DA im not sure.

Is there a trick to getting clientexec to connect to DA to provision a client's package? Should I do it this way or just provision manually in DA?

- I manually add client in DA
- I manually add client in clientexec
- I add client's package in clientexec
- I invoice client through clientexec

1) when you setup the server you need to use the reseller/admin login info you normally login with at the settings near the bottom
2) CE adds clients to DA (when setup properly)
3) make sure you have the package "live" or visable to everyone in package types as "show in signup" as well.
4) when you add the package to CE make sure you use the "Server variables" section and the DA part lines up to your current DA package that will be assigned to the user.
5) and in invoicing... sorta lacking in an "auto build" invoicing that can run on its own daily... you currently have to login every day and generate invoices, but the system will generate them and email them to the client.

I have been using CE for almost a year now and i have seen lots of great changes... the CE can now automatically add users to DA, and if you are using paypal you can have it setup "automatic" payments using the paypal subscription.

my customers no longer need to remember to login, the system just sends them an invoice and receipt as needed.

if you guys have any other questions, feel free to email me at [email protected]
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I'm having the same problem as below and its irritating the hell out of me.

I've mailed CE support but they havent' given me any solution yet.

I've been using CE for my cpanel setup on another server and its pretty seamless and well integreted but for DA, I seriously don't know what's going on.

Has anyone actually managed to get DA working with CE and how?

sethp said:
I really just need a simple invoicing system for my few paying clients. I have a free clientexec license and I have it installed and mostly working.

Is there a trick to getting clientexec to connect to DA to provision a client's package? Should I do it this way or just provision manually in DA?

When I try to activate a package from clientexec, I get this:

I've spent a few days trying to get CE to work right. Maybe I should just think of it purely as an invoice manager and nothing more. I don't want welcome emails to come from both places, and I'd probably be better off setting up accounts directly in DA myself.

If you are using clientexec, can you tell me your workflow?

Here's what I picture (for my very small hosting business):

- I manually add client in DA
- I manually add client in clientexec
- I add client's package in clientexec
- I invoice client through clientexec

Why, when I add a package in clientexec, does it require a username and password for the package, even though the client already has a username and pwd for clientexec. Seems like my clients will be getting confused really quick with username/pwds for DA, pop accounts, clientexec.

Calling all clientexec users! Talk to me!
David C said:
I'm having the same problem as below and its irritating the hell out of me.

I've mailed CE support but they havent' given me any solution yet.

I've been using CE for my cpanel setup on another server and its pretty seamless and well integreted but for DA, I seriously don't know what's going on.

Has anyone actually managed to get DA working with CE and how?

I just got rid of CE since all of my credit card numbers were corrupted and lost. I lost money too since I'll have a hard time explaining to my customers why they have to pay again since at the moment they enter their card number they assume the payment is done.

I'm waiting for v5 of modernbill to be done then I'm installing that and seeing how that works.

I paid about $75 for CE comming over from whoiscart and lost about 10 times that amount in messed up billing problems through the clunky work flow logic that CE uses. This isn't quantum physics (I've studied QP), its billing! CE makes you take up to 5 steps or more to get a single payment into your bank account - after the user has allready spent time entering it into the system. I don't think software/computers purpose is to create more work - it should create less.

If I'm not happy with modernbill then I'll just create my own billing system. If I can get 10 people to chip in $100 each then I can create one with everyone's desired features built in assuming they don't conflict with each other.
I'm pleased with the help and support over at ClientExec - development has come on greatly over the last year. I wis they'd support FuturePay but otherwise they've been keen to listen to sugestions and to help.
I'm happy with their support and like their GUI, but the work flow logic - the steps to get from A to B doesnt make a lot of sense. They create a lot of work for the users of their software.
Yeah, the logic behind some of the tasks is

It's come a long way from when Ibought it couple years back, and it's far from perfect and defintely NOT a out-of-the-box solution IMHO, but ti does work for me...
it worked for me to an extent but it corrupted my data and I had a lot of trouble just to get the money in my bank (steps A to B).

It's frustrating when you have paying customers and you can't get the damn thing to work.
Does anyone know how to get DA to send out a welcome e-mail after activating the client in CE?
Change the notify from no to yes on line 83 of the file plugins/server/directadmin/plugin.directadmin.php within your clientexec installation.
sullise said:
You know for a fact that it was CE that corrupted the data?

no but they refunded my money, they are great guys, but it wasn't a match for me due to all the problems...