warning message for user account space not send

Give them some time. Your last message posted at 9:37 am. Most server admins have worked late most nights and are just getting up at 9:37 :).

9:37 am for you ;) but 4:37 pm for me ;)
I know this, I live in caraibeen island lot of time ;).
But I had think there are some support the night , perhaps not :p
I think there are problem with warning message for overquota, because that work if I put bandwidth for user.
But the problem it's all my user package have unlimited bandwidth so no warning send when users are overquota :(
Support confirm to me what I think:

I've checked over the code and found that if the bandwidth limit is unlimited, then no check is done on the disk usage.
I've updated the code to ensure the check done if either the bandwidth or quotas are not unlimited (vs just bandwidth before)
Also, the quota limit looking for 95%, and not 100% when the disk is checked, unlike previously stated.

I think they will put this update in next directadmin release, perhaps they can confirm here.
Do sentwarning user conf option work or not if bandwidth is unlimited?
I hope not !
Because if user pass overquota more than one time in month, he only receive one email :(
For bandwidth limit I understand because when user are overlimit that block access, but if not the user can del mail and make overquota some days after.

Please can you check in directadmin and modify this if necessary?

P.S: I make a support ticket for this question.
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I have the same problem.

Everyday in my logs shows the:
File ./data/users/john/user.usage has been written to after this process read it

This message concerns only one user (john).

How to fix this issue?

Check the user.conf file for the variable
as a warning is only going to be sent once per month.

The actual percentages will be directadmin.conf settings, eg:
[root@server directadmin]# ./directadmin c | grep warning
where those are percentages for the warning to be sent out at.

Note, that if the bandwidth (user_warning_thresh) warning has already been sent out, then the user will not get a disk usage warning (user_warning_thresh_disk) if they hit it, after the bandwidth.

Thanks for quick reply.

I have not variable user.conf.
Should i add this option?

This user has unlimited bandwidth and disk quota.
If the sentwarning option is not present in the user.conf, then that's the same as it being set to "no", adding it shouldn't be needed.

If the bandwidth and disk quota are unlimited, then it's impossible to exceed 80 or 95 usage, since any usage divided by infinity will always be 0%, hence then notice will never be triggered.
