Hello, i'm looking about system load average issue and i found this on log
i have a PID 7481 is going to use 80% of CPU
How can i fix this error or what i have to do in order to understand more about this?
Thanks for any suggestion
In the highlighted section the --log-errors= list the location of the error log file. You can start there.
Also have you tried restarting the mysql server?
high cpu doest mean a problem always could be the site is real busy or the server is under powered.
Ah ok if i understand correctly if i switch to 10.4 example
once i create a new website this will have DB version 10.4 and already existing will have version 10.0. Am i correct?
Ok perfect you right. So in the end
1) Set websites in maintenance mode
Since my current version is MariaDB 10.0 i have to go step by step with following command
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build set mysql_backup yes
./build set "mariadb" 10.1 (then 10.2 and go ahead)
./build set mysql_inst "mariadb"
./build "mariadb"