Warning: The system load average is 22.28


Verified User
Feb 20, 2022
Hello, i'm looking about system load average issue and i found this on log
i have a PID 7481 is going to use 80% of CPU
How can i fix this error or what i have to do in order to understand more about this?
Thanks for any suggestion


  • Immagine 2022-03-07 225047.jpg
    Immagine 2022-03-07 225047.jpg
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In the highlighted section the --log-errors= list the location of the error log file. You can start there.
Also have you tried restarting the mysql server?

high cpu doest mean a problem always could be the site is real busy or the server is under powered.

More info would be needed to help more.
Hello! thanks for suggestion i see /var/lib/mysql/server.piucommerce.com.err is 28MB and this is what i found searching for PID 7481
Can i also attached all file if you want and if is possible to share this info..
You are on a really old MariaDb version
Also see some reports of missing Tablespaces. You might want to export your db for safe keeping.

Did you try restarting with
systemctl restart mysqld

Also those error go back to February might clean the log and check it in a few days.
Make sure you backup the dbs

No you cant jump all the way. You have to go in order.
That only changes the choice you want to make. After every time you save, you also have to use the update software option.
Ah ok if i understand correctly if i switch to 10.4 example
once i create a new website this will have DB version 10.4 and already existing will have version 10.0. Am i correct?
Ok thanks all clear.
Is it also suggested upgrade MariaDB first or PhpMyAdmin?
Currently i have MariaDB 10.0.38 on direct admin 4.9.7
It doesn't really mathers I think but I would go for the SQL > PhpMyadmin path
Sorry i forgot to ask. Before going to upgrade is it suggested to stop any services?


  • Immagine 2022-04-05 135506.jpg
    Immagine 2022-04-05 135506.jpg
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it's good thing to stop httpd before upgrade SQL server, It can prevent data missing. if you have high load website that use with SQL.

Imagine, there have customers Topup on your website, but you suddenly restart mysql server, this will possible make Fail Transaction.
Ok perfect you right. So in the end
1) Set websites in maintenance mode
Since my current version is MariaDB 10.0 i have to go step by step with following command
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build set mysql_backup yes
./build set "mariadb" 10.1 (then 10.2 and go ahead)
./build set mysql_inst "mariadb"
./build "mariadb"

Any other suggestion? :)

Thanks for the moment
No the same. Don't use these apostrophe's.

Or just edit options.conf and change version to 10.1 there and run ./build update after saving, also works.