Webalizer access using URL? not thru DA


Verified User
Feb 22, 2004
This is my first post here so please go easy on me!

I am also relatively new to DA. Before I was running a RAQ3 and it was real simple to view Webalizer using a URL, this way: exampledomaindotcom/stats

UsrName/Paswrd was then requested (which could also be stored for future ease of use by Windows).

That was very easy vs the much more time consuming process of going into Direct Admin, finding the site, and entering usrname/paswrd every time.

Is there a way to do this under DA? When I try the RAQ method using Stats dir in the url, I get either Page Can Not Be Found error, or get directed to the sites index page if there is a 404 htaccess being used.

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I assuming you are talking about the Webalizer stats from a 3rd party like pkgmaster? The Cobalt RaQ did not do that by default you needed to login to view your stats.

I don't know how to automate this without looking into this further but if you wanted to do this for one domain you could...

ssh into your box. Go to the /home folder and you will see a list of usernames. Go in the user you want the stats for and then cd into public_html, then cd into the folder that looks like "domain.tdl". Now you should see something like:

.htpasswd       private_html    public_html
logs            public_ftp      stats

The path should be something like:


Go in the public_html and do the following command:

ln -s stats ../stats

Now you can see your stats by viewing http://www.domain.tdl/stats/

You will probably want to make a .htaccess and .htpasswd files to protect and bring up the username and password prompt. If you don't know how to do that search in Google there are tons of places you can put in a username and password and it will generate those files for you.

Someone might know more and could tell you how to automate DirectAdmin to do the above for you on each domain. Otherwise you will need to login to view the stats.
Or, go to the 'Custom Httpd Configurations' option (or edit your custom httpd templates) and add the following line:
Alias /stats /home/|USER|/domains/|DOMAIN|/stats/
Sometimes I always do things the hard way :confused:

Do it that way it is much easier and better! For some reason I forgot about ServerAlias. I would still add the .htaccess and .htpassword.

l0rdphi1 thanks for correcting me :D
There is now an option on the Site Summary page:
"Set selected domains to be publicly viewable"

but how do we un-do it?
Delete the /stats link in the domain.

Example: /home/USER/domains/MYDOMAIN.COM/public_html/stats

Just delete the file and it is no longer publicly viewable. However Im sure directadmin can add an option to delete it easy. I dont like the option of everyone having access to this information anyways. You should password protect the folder if it is publicly viewable unless you want to share the info with everyone.