What am I doing wrong when placing my domains in DirectAdmin?

In order to log into phpmyadmin the only user I know that works is admin, because it seems to have the same password that I use to log into directadmin as admin.

I'm currently contacting support as to why the root password they gave me for directadmin doesn't work with neither phpmyadmin nor directadmin.

Is this the password I need, because I need to enter phpmyadmin as root to see my dedicateduser's databases?
Well root have no access to phpmyadmin and directadmin, is absolutly normal, root is just for ssh.

Regarding phpmyadmin, if you have a "sub-user" of course admin user have no access to his db.

You need to log with sub-user login info or directly with database login info.

You should really study www.site-helper.com for understand how it works and what to do.

every user is limited to his own db, no, you dont need root access, is insecure and not needed, db are managed from directadmin and db have to be craeted from directadmin.
