We are currently running Apache + PHP-FPM. Again, all I can say is that Drupal status page does not work if "ProxyErrorOverride on" is added to /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-default.conf - I can only hope it will work if DirectAdmin add it to the 4 virtual_host2*.conf files, but I would not know before I test it. If it does have the same effect and break Drupal "Maintenance page", we would need to remove it manually every time we do rewrite_confs
Drupal "Maintenance page" is used frequently by our Drupal customers, because it is common practice to put Drupal in maintenance every time you upgrade Drupal or a Drupal module, the user customize that page with their own text and images, and customers on shared hosting would expect it to work out of the box.
Drupal "Maintenance page" is used frequently by our Drupal customers, because it is common practice to put Drupal in maintenance every time you upgrade Drupal or a Drupal module, the user customize that page with their own text and images, and customers on shared hosting would expect it to work out of the box.