In the previous code snippet I have included the latest FreeBSD build ID. Since the time of last post there was a new FreeBSD release (fixing brute-force manager issue). Now latest build ID is
To get the latest version please use (and detect latest build ID automatically):
COMMIT=$(dig +short -t txt "" | sed 's|.*commit=\([0-9a-f]*\).*|\1|')
curl --location --progress-bar --connect-timeout 10 "${FILE}" --output "/root/${FILE}" # downloads given directadmin build into /root dir
tar xzf "/root/${FILE}" -C /usr/local/directadmin # extracts downloaded package to /usr/local/directadmin
/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin permissions || true # runs post-upgrade permission fix step
/usr/local/directadmin/scripts/ # runs other post upgrade fixes
service directadmin restart # restarts directadmin
Script snippet taken from
But please keep in mind DA on FreeBSD is EOL and the best thing you would be to actually migrate to Linux based server. This is just a rescue boat to keep DA running and buy some time for proper migration.