Which VPS system do you use?

In our deployment, we have two masters, one dupes to another just for redundancy (both of these are master slave only)...

Each of the nodes is Cent 64 bit with slave only licenses... (Cent 6 IS supported now):

We provision via WHMCS using:

Coming on-board now you'll love it... Most of the quirks and core functionality has been worked out over the past few years... Supposedly SolusVM 2.0 will include support for HA which would make it a solid cloud platform (it has node-node migration via the GUI now) It's not auto, but you could script something (I'm sure they'll drop HA its just a matter of time)

We moved to SolusVM about 2-3 years ago after struggling with Virtuozzo which was clunky and downright awful.
Thanks. I'm very interested in moving forward with this.

I do have some additional questions, and I prefer to ask them here, publicly, so others may benefit as well.

1) I'm till confused about what we need in terms of Master and Slave licenses. We're going to start with one server: 12 Xeon cores, 48 GB memory, and 4TB of RAID storage (can we use software RAID at the host level with KVM?).

On this server we'll want to provision say ten VPS instances.

So what will we need in the way of licenses?

And later when we add another similar machine?

(In case it makes a difference, we'll be running WHMCS on a completely separate system.)

2) Another question concerns the actual installation of the KVM host itself. I'm guessing it's as easy as this: http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/KVM

And this: http://linux.dell.com/files/whitepapers/KVM_Virtualization_in_RHEL_6_made_easy.pdf

But I'm not sure of how to provision hard drive space (best practices, etc.).

3) And yet another question for now concerns installation of images.

Have you successfully created CentOS and other OS images, customized to your needs? DirectAdmin images?

If not, why not? Simply because you don't need them, or because of difficulties you've run into.

Again, thanks for your helpfulness, to me and to the DirectAdmin community.
