WHM Complete Solution

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NoBaloney Internet Svcs - In Memoriam †
Jun 16, 2003
Anyone using the WHMCS (WHMCompleteSolution) billing system?

It looks interesting from their site and we're thinking of looking at it...

MB4 is giving us problems with some of our setups, and MB5 look like it's really not ready, when you look at the MB forums.

So now we're looking at WHMCompleteSolution.

Looks interesting indeed. I'll start a thorough testing session next monday and I'll let you know how it feels :)
I have been messing around with WHMCS for some time now. I like the feel of it. Everything works together neatly. The coder, matt, is always on the forums and quick test and implement new options that would make it better. The only problem i have with it is that it does not currently offer package upgrades for DA, but its coming.
Installed it yesterday and I'm already convinced this is the package for me. It's simple, straight and very fuctional.

I've seen ModernBill, but it just wasn't what I'm looking for. I've used AWBS, which is way and way too complex and it was hell configuring it and even harder to design templates. I've been considering ClientExec, but it didn't have a Trial and then I saw this topic, installed the Trial and I'm already implementing it into my website. Great stuff :)

Support is great!
welch said:
The only problem i have with it is that it does not currently offer package upgrades for DA, but its coming.

Hehe...between the two of us we can get him to do it...
welch said:
The only problem i have with it is that it does not currently offer package upgrades for DA, but its coming.

Just to let you know that currently no server module in WHMCS supports this. It has been announced it will be a new feature in our next release for the cPanel module but there was nothing in the DirectAdmin API documentation saying it was possible with DA.

Indeed, the documentation doesn't mention it, but it is definately possible to set a new user package using the DA API, I saw it on the forum maybe a week or so ago. The search function should be able to reveal which topic it was ;)
I just wanted to post that for the past few days I've been thoroughly testing AWBS and WHMCS and have found some pros and cons between each.

The first thing that stood out to me about AWBS was it's client area. It's almost like a pre-configured website ready to sell/advertise services that a customer can sign up for right on the spot with little or no modification. This can be seen at a sample site I setup, www.modemnet.net/awbs.

WHMCS on the other hand, seems confusing to a few end users visually that I had demo it. I had them goto www.modemnet.net/whmcs and they saw the support, tickets, knowledgebase, etc, they began asking me what exactly they were looking at. I tried explaining to them that this is an area where you can create an account and buy webhosting services. They felt that it didn't appear like that.

As I got to working inside each application in the admin areas, I noticed AWBS had a severe learning curve to it. In fact, I'm still not sure how to get things working right where as WHMCS is much more simpler to understand and use.

For as much as I was interested in both of these programs from the start, I still am. However the pros and cons are very much oustanding on both of them. WHMCS may be the best one to use, but if customers get lost or confused when signing up for a service, then it's pointless to have any application. No matter how easy it is to use on the admin side. Unfortunately I don't have the time to theme one myself.
modem said:
WHMCS on the other hand, seems confusing to a few end users visually that I had demo it. I had them goto www.modemnet.net/whmcs and they saw the support, tickets, knowledgebase, etc, they began asking me what exactly they were looking at. I tried explaining to them that this is an area where you can create an account and buy webhosting services. They felt that it didn't appear like that.

Shouldn't you point them to order page.
When a customer goes to a page on my website to inquire about or purchase hosting, I want them to see several important things. First see what hosting packages are for sale. Secondly, have quick and easy access to click on the packages they want and have that added to their card. Finally, have those package selections be chosen inside of directadmin with their account being automatically created. WHMCS seems to send them directly to a support page with little or no 'sale' options.
modem said:
The first thing that stood out to me about AWBS was it's client area. It's almost like a pre-configured website ready to sell/advertise services that a customer can sign up for right on the spot with little or no modification. This can be seen at a sample site I setup, www.modemnet.net/awbs.

WHMCS on the other hand, seems confusing to a few end users visually that I had demo it. I had them goto www.modemnet.net/whmcs and they saw the support, tickets, knowledgebase, etc, they began asking me what exactly they were looking at. I tried explaining to them that this is an area where you can create an account and buy webhosting services. They felt that it didn't appear like that.

There is one big difference between AWBS and WHMCS - that is AWBS tries to provide you with a complete hosting site. It's very difficult to customise AWBS and most use one of the templates it comes with as their hosting site. However, with WHMCS, it is designed to be easily customisable so that you can integrate it right into your website and customers won't even know its WHMCS you are using. It certainly is not intended to be the only thing you use on your site unlike AWBS - you are expected to have a site that contains info about your packages with links to the order page, company information, etc... and so this is why WHMCS does not. WHMCS should be used as your client area and support portal only.

Update to inform you that I have ordered it today. Along with some people on a Dutch webhosting board, we looked at it and decided this is in fact a very interesting tool for a webhosting company that wants to automate its support and billing department.

No real support for specific Dutch market billing options, but as I only use the bank transfer option, it's fine.
Matt - Thanks for that information, that explains things alot better. One thing I'm having issue with, is that I can't get it to integrate entirely with DA. For example, I'm trying to run a few tests where I have a sample package. I then go and try to 'purchase' that package via WHMCS and have the purchase be setup as automated billing in WHMCS, but at the same time, have WHMCS add that customer/password/username to DA.

Are there specific DA instructions in the manual for this?

Providing you have your package configured to be setup automatically as soon as the order is placed, the account should be setup when the order process is completed. There's no special requirements for it to work on DA. If you need any help you can just open a support ticket.

I just purchased WHMCS to use with my new DirectAdmin server so I can easily manage friends and customers who I host. I also work with a ModernBill/cPanel web host and I must say, so far WHMCS is SOOO much nicer and easier to use than ModernBill. Even the default skin in WHMCS closely resembles the DA enhanced skin look and feel. I think it should have been called DACS =)
If they have a package which is a hosting account that is using the DA server module then it shows up int the client area. I just tested one and it is under My Hosting Packages -> View Details -> Login to DirectAdmin.

If the username and password hasn't been changed by them, the button will pass the HTTP auth to and login right to the control panel. Pretty slick :)

What verison WHMCS are you using? I am running the latest. There was a bug back in 2.x where the button always was for cPanel even if it was for a package using the DA module.
Ok I found it :)

Should be more visible I would say, since that's is the most common function after loggin in to thier Client Area.

What do you think ?

I know each user can have different services, but there should be like a [Product Logins] section or something right on the first page. Like:

Hosting xxxxx : LOGIN
Cast-Control: LOGIN
Service xxxx: LOGIN

What do you think ?
I just bought WHM last week. It has been great, support is great and the system is very easy to use. I was using HSP for billing, it was not so great. This is definitely much easier, better reports, better layout, better functions.
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