WHMCS and directadmin add premission to reseller


Verified User
Apr 5, 2006
I use WHMCS and directadmin and in directadmin I have a reseller account. Now i try to connect in WHMCS I get an error: Unable to Obtain Account List - You cannot run that command. The request you made cannot be executed because it does not exist at your permission level

Now WHMCS says You must have the CMD_API_SHOW_RESELLERS permission to get a list of accounts assigned to the reseller user if you use that to connect to DirectAdmin.

I understand that there are not enough permissions with the reseller how do I add it premission to that user in directadmin?
I get this link https://docs.whmcs.com/DirectAdmin#API_Token_Permissions.
I see what I need but how can I see what premission the reseller user has in directadmin and how can I add it?
I see in directadmin log on security : User resellerx tried to execute /CMD_API_SHOW_RESELLERS ***
I use Debian 11 and its a new server.

This what i do :
I am for sure disabled the firewall.
Restart directadmin
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build rewrite_confs
And test again..
Same problem...

Add new reseller...
And test again..
Same problem...

Can anyone help me?
I see in directadmin log on security : User resellerx tried to execute /CMD_API_SHOW_RESELLERS ***
There you go, that is a missing permission you need.

As far as I know, WHMCS can't be used be a reseller. The answer was also in the ancient post which you replied to:

So without having admin level, you won't be able to use WHMCS or ask your admin to give you the needed permissions/login keys. But he might not do that, I don't know.
Okay the WHMCS documentation talks about a reseller
Enter the hostname or IP address, username, password, and access hash.
  • The username and password must be for a reseller on the server.

I can copy from an existing installation and they also use a reseller account there. So I think it's in the rights of the reseller in directadmin.
It function for admin that want to automate creating reseller account. If you just want to create normal user. it fine to ignore that warning.

So it problem from whmcs. not from DA.

correct permission must be "CMD_API_SHOW_USERS", so trying assign this permission to your account/LoginKey
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Okay the WHMCS documentation talks about a reseller
Yes but the error is caused because that it's trying to creaet a new reseller or something and you don't have permissions for it as reseller.
So if WHMCS can be used by reseller only, then it's a WHMCS issue indeed.
Sorry I understand now, then the documentation or WHMCS is wrong it really says reseller. I do indeed see the wrong api requesting reseller instead of user. Strange that WHMCS persists,

Strange that I have 1 example DA - WHMCS that really works with a reseller. It's an old existing config not a new one

You simply need to add the permission to your API key to resolve this issue. If you are unable to do this on own, you can just ask DA support the exact instructions to add the permission "CMD_API_SHOW_RESELLERS" to your API key that you are using in WHMCS.
I hope this gets resolved again.
WHMCS being WHMCS…. It’s our fault…. But it’s still your fault …

You need to have an admin account, from there you have to do some stuff (including making a reseller that will create the accounts) has been a while ago that i did it…
you can just ask DA support the exact instructions to add the permission "CMD_API_SHOW_RESELLERS" to your API key that you are using in WHMCS.
Exactly what I already said before... it's an admin thing. Only admins can give reseller permissions.
I have spoken with WHMCS again but still insist give more rights to reseller for CMD_API_SHOW_RESELLERS permission

Can you explain to me step by step how I then give more rights to the reseller. I am somewhat new to using the api. :)
I don't want to use admin. But would like to get it working and go on..
same trouble here. Cant manage whmcs with a DA Resseller account.
"You cannot execute that command. The request you've made cannot be executed because it does not exist in your authority level"
Reseller wil work
You should give the reseller all permissions including System info.

And make sure the packages are created as well.