WHMCS password sync.

I control DA and WHMCS. They do not control me.
Boy does that sound impressive.

In all seriousness, this is a bad idea. There should always be a separation between billing data and a hosting account. If one account gets compromised it should not lead to the other account being likewise compromised.

The developer of WHMCS is fairly receptive. I suspect that he would be willing to program this at minimal cost if you contact him directly.
How do you make any money?

If you have to do everything manually, how do you have time to make money?
At the price of web hosting today, for me to have to do anything manually cuts into the profit.
As for SYNCing, I only want this in the initial set up, the ability to change either or any password later is fine, but if I go into anything and choose a password, and then I find that password only gets me in one small area I am mystified!
The end user does not know or care that a web server and therefore a hosting account is made up of varing "moduels"
If they change things on their own, fine, but fielding a support call within a few minitues of a client signing up does not really sit well with me. as a client, I would think, maybe I should have went with godaddy!
Boy does that sound impressive.

I didn't meant to sound arrogant or even impressive. My point is simply anytime either one of them does things I don't like I simply program around them.
Your clients are not all new!

The bulk of my clients are very new to web hosting, businesses with a vision and absolutely no knowledge!
Then you need to give them clear, concise instructions in the email they get after signing up. I have found that a numbered list works well.

1. Do this
2. Do this
3. Do this
I would actually like something that sync's but not what the OP is asking.

My problem is when the user changes the password in DA - it doesn't tell WHMCS. The problem then happens when the user "forgets" that they have done this - and try to access DirectAdmin via the WHMCS Client Area link. Login will fail because the two records are no longer the same. Then they contact us with questions on how to access the control panel.

This is made even more difficult when many of my customers do not understand the difference between WHMCS and DA - and that they both have their specific purpose.

At the very least, a notification to admin that the user has updated their details, or even an email to remind them that they need to update the password change in the WHMCS Client Area (not so much a good idea).

I know I can still login via admin --> login as user, but that's not the point.

Sorry to hijack, but I think this is along the topic lines.
I don't think there's any way for DirectAdmin to tell WHMCS to change a password. Can you change the password through WHMCS? if so, then the best solution may be disallow changing of password through DirectAdmin.

... perhaps

I guess an email notification would suffice.

Is there a way we can develop a hook on password change? then we can push out an email and put some instructions contained therein.
Is there a way we can develop a hook on password change? then we can push out an email and put some instructions contained therein.
Yes, you bet!


and in it, put something like:
if [ "$passwd" = "" ]; then
   #must be resetting the quotas, don't bother with an email.
   exit 0;
echo "User $user for $domain has a new password: $passwd" | mail -s "User $user for $domain has a new password" [b][email protected][/b]
exit 0;
Keep in mind, there are few issues with this method.
1) The password would be visible someone if they were running top or 'ps ax', etc.. so might want to do something less "shell command" oriented.. php would work too.
2) The script runs as root, so the lack of password, user, and domain checking could cause issues if they add a "creative" password.

So this is more of an example of how one *could* do it, but likely wouldn't be how one should do it.

If you write the same concept with php, it would likely be safer, eg:
$user = getenv('user');
Excellent, thanks for the info.

I will investigate invoking a php script from the shell.