Why does a new mysql user have access to information_schema in phpmyadmin?


New member
Feb 2, 2023
I created a new user in mysql via the command line. When I use SHOW GRANTS it just says GRANT USAGE ON *.*, but when I log onto phpmyadmin with the new user, I can view everything in the information_schema database. Shouldn't that be blocked as well?
Oh interesting. What if you didn't want to give access to any of that?
I don't see any reason why you would restrict that. As far as I now that isn't even possible. I've read on DA here somebody succeeded to hide it from view, but not from accessibility.

But it seems even not to be a real database and it's needed according to what I found here and was upvoted most as best answer.
Oh, that makes sense, then. I hadn't realized it only contained information specific to the logged in user.