Word press restore.


Verified User
May 25, 2022
I had a customer provide a word press restore, but it is .zip and direct admin requires .tar.gz or something like that. If I unzip and just upload over the existing word press install will it work? I need to restore the site. It also contains the database, do I just overwrite that as well?
The wordpress site is just a combination of the folders/files in the public_html and the database, so you can do it like that. No need to use the Directadmin backup restore functionality.

If you want to be able to easily rollback, you can also rename the current public_html to public_html_old, create a new public_html and unzip the files/folders in there. You can also create a new database and import the new one in there. Then you just have to change the database credentials in wp-config.php and you're set.