Solved Wordpress keeps saying "filesystem not writable" while everything is 755/644

Is this a new install or a restore or moved install? Maybe check config file for settings with wrong path names. Maybe wordpress reads from a wrong path that is set in the config or database somewhere
Hi, i've runned the commands. It says again that a update wasnt done so i went ahead and updated the translations first:
"Kon de oude vertaling niet verwijderen. Vertaling updaten is mislukt." (English: "Could not delete the old translations").

UHm i think i've read about the DB entrys. I did fixed an error where an filepath in wp-config.php was pointing to the old server path. So i think youre rights with that there are wrong paths configured somewhere.
@Stije @Richard G @LawsHosting @floyd
Sorry for the tags but i solved it.

I added: "define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');" to the "wp-config.php" and renamed the "/wp-content/language" folder to "language-old". Then i updated the languages and then Wordpress itself. Finally it works like it should!

Thanks still for all the help! <3