Solved wp-stream.php hacked site

I just found out a client hasn't updated their Wordstress site since 2012..... It started sending spam (via a plugin)...... and failed to work on PHP 7.x when switched.... Ah, Wordstress love it!
Also that's very bad if some still use PHP 5.6 or older, need to inform those as well to update their site.

Few years ago I found out that one of my client have phishing attack on their wordpress site from a third party. So, I got email letter from Netcraft Takedown Service, which is AI I think.

The attack was tricky because it was restricted. It was only visible from certain countries. So if I went to the client website, I only discovered that the site loading time was oddly long, other that that, everything seemed fine. Then, when I started to see changes in wordpress php files, then the situation was clear what was going on.