[Release] Load Monitor 0.1 - Your server loads in a fancy chart :)


Verified User
Nov 26, 2008
Because I had no clue about the loads on my servers and I didn't find a plugin which can tell me this I decided to create my own.

What does it do?
With a cron job it collects the data from the 'top' command and saves it into a database. The plugin shows the results in a nice chart (using Google Chart), you can click on a specific time to view the snapshot of 'top'.

How to install
Download the plugin from this url: http://future-vision.nl/da/load_monitor.tar.gz then install using DA plugin manager.

After you've installed the plugin you will have to add a cron job to crontab, there is a script available to do this but I recommend to do this manually, just call the ./add.sh in the scripts folder in the interval you want. Specific commands and example are available in the Help section of the plugin.

What does it look like?

What does it cost?
Nothing, consider it my small contribution to the community :o Also no crappy ioncube loaders or anything is required, I don't have any secrets hidden in the plugin.

Support? Bugs? Issues? Tips? Ideas?
I've built the plugin on a XEN VPS running Debian 6 64-bit and I've tested it too on a dedicated CentOS 5.5 32-bt server and it's working fine on both.

You can post bugs/issues/ideas here but don't expect me to fix them quickly or at all, I'm doing this in my spare time for fun. I'm not responsible for any screw ups on your server although I don't really know what could go wrong with it.

Have fun with it, hope you like my plugin.
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install_cron.sh has a bug

/usr/local/bin/php -f instal_cron.php

Shouldnt it be install_cron.php ?
Does it create the database? Is a MySQL DB or it store in a file?

On screen 2 looks like he save all the top output for a determined time (that i suppose can be changed with the crontab runs), is correct or did i missunderstood?

Thanks for this plugin, looks useful.

It uses sqlite and it creates it when you install it.
That seems to be a bug, yeah... ill fix that :) -> fixed

As stated it indeed uses sqlite database, that way no credentials of your server are needed for the plugin.

BTW.... the 'top' is completely parsed so only the data itself is saved and re-build when you view the details. Not the entire output is being saved as it would take much more space. It is quite easy to add more data to the main chart (like nr. of processes etc) if anyone wants.
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Thanks for this plugin, looks very nice and useful :)

Ive just one last question, there is a way to install it using ssh? Ive checked the install.sh file but doenst suppose to get started from ssh (doesnt create folders and neither copy files in plugins folder (as for example csf does)).

Maybe scsi shuold help me with that for manage to install (maybe just untar and put in correct path and mange directadmin to "notice" that)?

Thanks both

Yeah, just unpack it in the /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/, run ./install.sh in the scripts folder and you are good to go. (then add the cron job to crontab offcourse)
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Here's what I got:


load_monitor successfully downloaded
plugin.tar.gz extracted
No install.sh script was found. Script not executed.
Error with install script
I've done a small update in the package, try again please. For some reason the install.sh script was packed without the correct permissions.
Something that would required a re-install of it?

there is not update script, so, let me know if i need to reinstall it or what to change :)

Same result:


load_monitor successfully downloaded
plugin.tar.gz extracted
No install.sh script was found. Script not executed.
Error with install script
I'll look into it tomorrow if I have time. Can you guys tell me if the install.sh exists and what permissions the file has? That might help me.
I'll be very happy to see this, but will wait until it's verified as working. I use the KDE System Monitor on my local desktops but of course don't run it on my servers.

Jeff it is working, is on my server from 12 hours now and is working fine.

Also, i would suggest you munin for have some nice/useful graphs of services.

Best regards
Sorry guys, I packed the wrong dir so it didn't extract like it should. For the ones with problems: Delete the current plugin from DA (or wipe the /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/load_monitor/ dir) and retry with url http://future-vision.nl/da/load_monitor.tar.gz and then follow instructions I've posted to install cron job. Have fun.
Ive added a new line in admin/index.php that maybe someone else can be found useful.

7 => '00:00 - 23:59'

and add a "," at the end of

6 => '20:00 - 23:59'

This will let you check a full day graph :)

Good idea, though you mean index.html instead of index.php. Also make the change in details.html or the back button won't function properly.

I've put it into the package also now (moved to array to scripts/bootstrap.php so it's only in 1 place from now on).