Cliff Spark
Verified User
Very nice futurevision. Thank you!
$save['swap_cached'] = trim(str_replace('k cached', '', $swapData[3]));
+// stop PHP warning emailed to root (unknown index):
+$save['tasks'] = array();
$taskData = array_slice($data, 7);
$db->exec('INSERT INTO loads (`' . implode('`,`', $fields) . '`) VALUES(' . implode(',', $values) . ')');
+// stop data loss if maxRemember set to 0 (never delete):
+if ( $config['maxRemember'] > 0 )
$db->exec('DELETE FROM loads WHERE DATE(created) < "' . date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-' . $config['maxRemember'] . ' days')) . ' "');
Does it work ? (it is 3 years old ...)
Any one tested?
cd /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/
git clone
cd load_monitor/scripts/
Any screenshots available? Because the original ones do not exist anymore.
Thank you, but I don't like things which are not maintained anymore. And we still have munin. So I'll wait a bit. Good chance I'm allowed to put it on the Centos 7 server later on this year.Thanks. Well the original version should work fine under Directadmin with CentOS 6, I believe.
chown diradmin:diradmin load_monitor/ -R