This means that they will lose all the customers they brought Directadmin for 20+ years...
Come one, get real. What customers? They were able to sell their servers with cheap of free licenses, they got customers, DA did not.
Next to that, they have been able for many years to get licenses which they could use indefinately for $89 lifetime, some even for free.
It was the intention that this would bring DA customers, but obviously, would you get a $29/month license if you get a server with DA included for only $5/month or for free?
So it's not stealing clients, datacenters had a great profit of the very cheap lifetime licenses for many years. Earned big money at DA's back. It made DA known, but ofcourse didn't bring DA customers this way or almost not.
This is just putting a knife in your most trustworthy partners...

Yeah right, DA got nothing from the datacenters except some advertising and the datacenters (most of them) made money for years (even if only $5/month) on their cheap or free licenses.
If they sell plesk, they also don't give their own clients a legacy version...
Yeah sure. First of all, Plesk stopped lifetime licenses years ago. Go and inform yourself as what a "lifetime" license of Plesk would costs you if it still exist, to have upgrades every year.
At least DA's lifetime is legacy, and ofcourse it's irritating. But think in it this way:
- Not a single other professional panel is having so many lifetime licenses out there with free updates.
- DA is still giving updates and... if possible, you can go to MariaDB 10.5 and still have support/updates until end of OS or 2032
- DA is still giving the free DA version updates and other updates like php/apache, so lifetime still goes
- Any "remaining" lifetime license of the competition, cost a lot of money per year to even get any updates or have it working. More stronger, a re-activation of a lifetime license plesk costs $250. So who are stealing here?
- DA until now never ever had 1 price raise, which is already very special for any company on the internet. Next to that, every businessman and company knows that lifetime is never lifetime as "until I die", just like a lot of hosters sell to customers with "unlimited hdd space and datatraffic" which is also never unlimited, so compare to that.
- Other software which would be lifetime is at a certain point, as costs get over benefits just declared "end of life" and you can keep using it (like you can keep using DA) but without any support or updates. DA is still giving forum support on old crap.
I'm also angry about this. But considering this all, comparing with other company's, knowing that a lifetime the way DA had it with everything free, could business wise never be kept forever, you know there would be a time that it would stop.
And again, we're still living, can still use the licenses and still get our updates.
Be glad DA did not declare the licenses EOL yet. Because do know that IS also possible and it's not uncommon in software country to declare things EOL.
Now think again.