anyone down for starting a directadmin irc channel?

IRC is no better or worse for me than other solutions. I'm just too busy to follow any kind of chat channel. The channel will work only if people with good answers and a good willingness to help will hang out there. That didn't happen when DirectAdmin (the company) tried. Perhaps things will be different now.

You'll never know if you don't try. Maybe I will ask if the staff could put up a link to the already existing channel on freenode so that people with irc will join.
DirectAdmin didn't have an IRC channel; they used software on one of their systems.

I run an irc network called :-), id be glad to host it or whatever. 8 servers, ~180 users per day.
The channel will work only if people with good answers and a good willingness to help will hang out there.

Real good point Jeff. Another part of the equation is whether or not DA officially endorses the irc channel.

The forum appears to be a much more efficient venue since one does not have to be logged on constantly to read/respond, the questions and answers don't disappear as they scroll off the screen, and one can always reference a thread when the question is asked for x to the n power times.

Thom, you've just mentioned some reasons why I don't frequent IRC or other chat channels. Of course others may differ.
