New Feature request:
Create a page for the admin level with the options to install or uninstall integration with the Site Summary / Statistics / Logs page integrate with webalizer.
The implementation idea I came up with migh do the following when the install button is pressed by the administrator.
a. Remove the normal AwStats link that is used now
b. Create a backup of the Site Summary / Statistics / Logs
skin file
c. Open up the the Site Summary / Statistics / Logs skin file and search for a specific/unique line regarding the webalizer table which it would then replace with new code.
The new look might be something like this:
a. The word webalizer would be removed so it just said 'Domain Stats'
b.The domain names would not be links anymore, instead to the direct right would be a webalizer | awstats links for whichever. When awstats is selected it would run a check and if it wasn't already installed it would install it, otherwise it would load the normal awstats page.
(maybe an option to replace the webalizer link altogether, it would work the same way it does now only awstats would be in webalizers place. How does DA parse its bandwidth usage? If it doesn't do it with webalizer why not a script to totally remove it, hehe)
Tell me what you think, good/bad, needs a little change whatever.
Since it appears DA is not going to replace or add awstats as a normal integrated solution I think this is the best way to go.
Although option two just came to mind as I'm typing this:
Do something like Cpanel did where you have an option page to chose which program you want to view the stats with. This would leave room for easier integration or the possibility of expanding (such as instead of the awstats plugin, a general stats plugin which might also include analog
