

Verified User
Jan 1, 2024
Something on my server is creating daily backups, I've checked the host and baclups are not enabled by them.

I've only one Cron job set up and that is to do a backup on the 25th of every month

Although no jobs are shown under the 'all use cron jobs' tab

Anyone any idea whats creating these backups and how do I stop it?

Thanks in Advance
You're a reseller then? Not admin?

You have to let your host check the cron jobs, because the only way to check this out is via SSH.

Another way is to test if there is no bug. It's not the 25 yet, so remove the cronjob and check if backups are still made daily.
Are you sure these daily backups are reseller backups or admin backups and no user backups?
You're a reseller then? Not admin?

You have to let your host check the cron jobs, because the only way to check this out is via SSH.

Another way is to test if there is no bug. It's not the 25 yet, so remove the cronjob and check if backups are still made daily.
Are you sure these daily backups are reseller backups or admin backups and no user backups?

I'm the (only) admin.

I've deleted the Cron job.

cat /etc/crontab


Nothing there refers to backups, that I can see.

I'm pretty sure they are Admin backups, I'll let you know tomorrow if a backup happens at 05:00


Admin backup should locate in "/home/admin/", not do anything with system backup, since there have difference location path.

If something created in "/backup/", then it relate to system backup... maybe you should switch to Evolution skin and re-save system backup again to clean up some broken things.
I'm the (only) admin.
Ah ok I was wondering because you wrote you checked no backups were enabled by the host.

cat /etc/crontab
why i that put in there? Because crontab is normally empty and I see "test -x" commands there.

Admin backups (not system backups) would look like this
/home/admin/backups = user level backups of admin himself
/home/admin/user_backups = user backups made by admin (in Enhanced reseller level backups of admin)
/home/admin/admin_backups = backups created via the admin backup/transfer option.
Admin backup should locate in "/home/admin/", not do anything with system backup, since there have difference location path.

If something created in "/backup/", then it relate to system backup... maybe you should switch to Evolution skin and re-save system backup again to clean up some broken things.

I changed the backup location to /backup, it was easier to SSH to that directory.

Also, I was getting an error message about access when it was set to /home/admin.
Ah ok I was wondering because you wrote you checked no backups were enabled by the host.

why i that put in there? Because crontab is normally empty and I see "test -x" commands there.

The host (Vultr) offer a system backup as part of their control panel.

I've no idea what the test -x commands are