NoBaloney Internet Svcs - In Memoriam †
Our scripts have some important features for use when writing scripts for others; maybe you don't need them.
We use the "slaves" path because that's what it's actually there for.
We don't have a programmed task for removing zone files no longer in the named.conf file, as sometimes you need them for forensic purposes. We need to create one that can be run monthly, either manually by administrator, or through a cronjob, to keep the directory clean; may we use yours, broken into it's own script?
We run as a separate user (in the final release it'll have a more logical name; during the writing process the author tried to use ftp for transfers and the name stock) to limit damage if the script gets compromised or broken. We strongly believe in privilege separation in scripts we release into the wild.
And perhaps most importantly, we find and report dupes, and exclude them. Why? because they can cause your DNS server to fail. We'd rather your domains don't have slave DNS because of an exclusion than all our domains don't have slave DNS because of a failure. And being able to exclude on the master side is very important if you're slaving more than one machine, because then you'll get dupes of such things as localhost, and even of real domains while moving them between servers.
Anyway, that's why we did what we did.
We're doing a total rewrite as well, before it comes out of beta. But even in beta, it works fine for a lot of people, including us.
We use the "slaves" path because that's what it's actually there for.
We don't have a programmed task for removing zone files no longer in the named.conf file, as sometimes you need them for forensic purposes. We need to create one that can be run monthly, either manually by administrator, or through a cronjob, to keep the directory clean; may we use yours, broken into it's own script?
We run as a separate user (in the final release it'll have a more logical name; during the writing process the author tried to use ftp for transfers and the name stock) to limit damage if the script gets compromised or broken. We strongly believe in privilege separation in scripts we release into the wild.
And perhaps most importantly, we find and report dupes, and exclude them. Why? because they can cause your DNS server to fail. We'd rather your domains don't have slave DNS because of an exclusion than all our domains don't have slave DNS because of a failure. And being able to exclude on the master side is very important if you're slaving more than one machine, because then you'll get dupes of such things as localhost, and even of real domains while moving them between servers.
Anyway, that's why we did what we did.
We're doing a total rewrite as well, before it comes out of beta. But even in beta, it works fine for a lot of people, including us.