[BETA] DNS master2slave

Seems my .db files are not being updated. When i delete the .db file and restart named it is updated with the new DNS entries from the Master, but without manually deleting the .db file i can't get it to update. /var/log/messages says zone file is up to date. Anyone an idea how to solve this?
How are you attempting to update the .db files? Are the serial numbers being incremented?

Managed to fix it with:

allow-transfer { ip/32; };
notify yes;
also-notify { ip; };

in named.conf on the DA / Plesk servers and only allow-transfer on the external dns server.
Glad to see you've got it sorted out. You can ignore the question in my post; I didn't realize you were posting in the Master2Slave thread :(.

Hi Jeff,

Is the script still working for the latest version of DA? I've 2 DA servers and 2 non-DA servers running, and I wanted to make the 2 non-DA servers to act as pure nameservers in front, so that all DNS from the 2 DA servers will be automatically updated to the 2 non-DA nameservers.

Moreover, I read from your first post you have a commercial version, is there any demo for that? Please kindly advise, thanks. :)

It should work for the latest versions of DirectAdmin; it does for me.

What I wrote was:
We've released this product as DNS master2slave and we're reserving the name DNS Replicator for a commercial version with a web-based frontend.
That was before the author, whom I was paying to write it for me, disappeared.

So I've abandoned future plans for the project for the time-being. Perhaps I'll work on it myself if I ever get done with the SpamBlocker-powered exim.conf file :).

The big problem is some issues with the documentation which require that you have some system administration and debugging experience to install it.

I do offer an installation service. Contact me via email for additional information.

It should work for the latest versions of DirectAdmin; it does for me.

What I wrote was:

That was before the author, whom I was paying to write it for me, disappeared.

So I've abandoned future plans for the project for the time-being. Perhaps I'll work on it myself if I ever get done with the SpamBlocker-powered exim.conf file :).

The big problem is some issues with the documentation which require that you have some system administration and debugging experience to install it.

I do offer an installation service. Contact me via email for additional information.


Alright Jeff, thanks for the update. ;)
I've got a small problem.

My /etc/named.conf is setup a little different to DA. (The zones aren't on the one line)

An example zone-

zone "hands.org.au" {
type master;
file "hands.org.au";
allow-transfer {

The script doesn't seem to pick this up as a zone, because it's on multiple lines. How would I fix this little problem?

If no one else responds and says they've already made the modification you have several choices:

You can make modifications to my system. Hopefully if you do you'll share your work with the rest of the world; after all I've released it as Open Source under version 2 of the GPL.

You can hire somone to make those changes for you. If you hire me I'll only do it under GPLv2 and if I can release it under GPLv2.

Or you and/or others can sponsor having me do it and release it under GPLv2.. Right now the program does what I and DirectAdmin need, so I'll either work on it for hire, or if I get sponsorship for the changes.

Best choice would probably be a sponsorship. I'll do it, fix the current known bugs, and release it as final (no longer beta) for a sponsorship of us$100.

Someone talk to me. ;)

I'm not a master of shell command (actually, I've never touched it until yesterday).

Using sed, I removed all the newline characters (\n), and put some back in (before zone, before include, etc), and output to a new file. Then, I ran the rest of the script as normal, looking at the new file instead.

echo "#created to remove extra lines in Plesk" > /home/namedftp/named.temporary
sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g' "/etc/named.conf"|sed 's/zone "/\n\nzone "/g'|sed 's/\t/ /g'|sed 's/;include/;\n\ninclude/g'|sed 's_;//_;\n//_g' >> /home/namedftp/named.temporary

I'm sure there's a MUCH better way to do that, but it seems to be working now.

Thanks for your work Jeff.
You're very welcome. Referring to specifically my Master2Slave DNS Replicator script; I didn't write it; I paid to have it written.

There is an easier way to do it: it would be relatively straightforward to make changes to how the system posts domain names on the master, and then reads them and creates slave zone files on the slave.

Come on folks; here's your chance to donate to an open source project you can actually use :D.

I'm actually almost complete with my version of a synchronization script based somewhat on the master2slave script. Well it was based completely on it, but I've rewritten much of it. It'll have an install script and it works in harmony with itself on other servers allowing for a great hidden master set up.

Hope to have it launched very soon!
Glad to hear it! Be sure to post here again when it's ready.

And of course don't forget the duplicte checking; that's important.

namedftp crteation doesn't work on my Debian DA master server

When I: /usr/sbin/adduser -g named -d /home/namedftp -s /bin/sh namedftp
nothing happens, no user creation, no line in shadow

master2 slave is still in Beta, is it dead?
It was never brought out of beta because the programmer I paid to develop it disappeared and I didn't move; forward on it. I can mostly bring it out of beta after fixing a few typos and rewriting the code to eliminate dupes (which very occasionally tells me all domains are duplicates but nevertheless BIND still serves the correct information).

The first step then is to ask if anyone else ever sees this problem?

I'm not sure why adduser doesn't work for you; generally if you don't get an error, it means it worked.

I offer a fairly low priced installation service; if you'd like to have me do the install for you let me know by email and I'll send you more information. Email information below in my siglines.

Few people modifying it and not sharing it, sad!

I'll try it sometime next week, thanks Jeff!
I have a problem with this on debian.

server:/var/www/html# su - namedftp -c './getzone.dns.sh'
Server: MY IP
Include: /etc/bind/named.conf.options
Include: /etc/bind/named.conf.local
cp: accessing `/var/www/html/namedftp/IP.named.conf': Permission denied

I do 4) Set permissions for /home/namedftp/getzone.dns.sh
********# chmod 755 /home/namedftp/getzone.dns.sh
********# chown namedftp:named /home/namedftp/getzone.dns.sh

But nothing happens. Help?
Check permissions and ownership; the following works for me:

chmod 755
chown namedftp:named

chmod 644
chown namedft:named

thanks for your reply, here my output

server::/var/www/html/namedftp# chmod 755 /var/www/html/namedftp
server::/var/www/html/namedftp# chown namedftp:named /var/www/html/namedftp
server::/var/www/html/namedftp# ls
server::/var/www/html/namedftp# chmod 644 /var/www/html/namedftp/MYIP.named.conf
server::/var/www/html/namedftp# chown namedftp:named /var/www/html/namedftp/MYIP.named.conf
server::/var/www/html/namedftp# ls
server::/var/www/html/namedftp# su - namedftp -c './getzone.dns.sh'
Server: MYIP
Include: /etc/bind/named.conf.options
Include: /etc/bind/named.conf.local
cp: accessing `/var/www/html/namedftp/MYIP.named.conf': Permission denied