Exactly like that? If yes, then you need to change it to lowercase. For some reason it's case sensitive and needs to read:
Sorrie Richard, its just lowercase. I copied it from another thread, but all is correct in my directadmin.conf.
Ik heb alles weer werkend gekregen maar krijg nu alleen steeds het volgende als ik b.v. Outlook opstart:
Ik heb dit wel eens eerder gehad, maar heb geen idee hoe ik dat heb opgelost.
Btw. I always fill in 'mail.mydomainname.nl' (not 'mail.hostname.nl') as the email server in the email clients.
Update: I found this in directadmin/system.log:
2023:03:24-17:32:46: Ssl::save_cert_post: removed mail.domainname.nl from snidomains due to value match: user:domainname.nl
2023:03:24-17:32:46: Ssl::save_cert_post: removed domainname.nl from snidomains due to value match: user:domainname.nl
2023:03:24-17:32:46: Ssl::save_cert_post: removed
www.domainname.nl from snidomains due to value match: user:domainname.nl
2023:03:24-17:32:46: Ssl::save_cert_post: swapping snidomains: mail.domainname.nl=(null) with mail.domainname.nl=user:domainname.nl
2023:03:24-17:32:46: Ssl::save_cert_post: swapping snidomains: domainname.nl=(null) with domainname.nl=user:domainname.nl
2023:03:24-17:32:46: Ssl::save_cert_post: swapping snidomains: www.domainname.nl=(null) with www.domainname.nl=user:domainname.nl
(just replaced the actual domainname and username for privacy)