Daflare Standard: Automatically synchronise your DNS from DirectAdmin to Cloudflare


Verified User
May 13, 2020
Update: 6th May 2021 - new version of Daflare - v0.11.2b - details in the post below

Daflare Standard: DirectAdmin to Cloudflare DNS Sync.
  • Sync DNS from DirectAdmin to Cloudflare
  • Create / Update / Delete DNS records automatically using the standard DirectAdmin tools
  • Enable/disable Cloudflare proxy for all, none or selected records or record types
  • Admin can edit configuration using the Daflare Control Panel
  • Add custom Cloudflare account and configuration per-domain (Admin only)
  • Share a single Cloudflare account with user accounts you manage
  • Allow/block users from using the shared Cloudflare account
  • Quick and easy installation via plugin manager
With many people using my previous Github project (directadmin_cloudflare_dns) it was time to add some features and release it as an easily installable plugin for DirectAdmin.

The wonderful Simon, of vpsbasics.com, has updated the review he did on the original Github project, to cover the new plugin. As with his other incredibly helpful tutorials, he gives clearly illustrated, step by step instructions on how to install and configure daflare.

All the details, and the plugin, can be found at daflare.com

Please feel free to give any feedback or feature requests.

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Hi @agaitan026

Feel free to ask any questions. I've been updating the website regularly which answers most questions and installation issues. If you have anything you want to know, feel free to ask here or via the website.

Update: 19 April 2021 - new version of Daflare - v0.10.2b
  • Featuring easier configuration and synchronization
  • All server domains are displayed on the daflare home page with buttons to synchronise or add a custom domain configuration
  • 'Update Config and Sync' button added to the config page to immediately synchronize DNS after updating. (Direct Zone File Access must be set to Standard mode - see bottom of post)
  • Log messages are displayed when syncing from the Daflare Control Panel
  • When Preview Mode is enabled, a message is displayed in the Control Panel to remind you of this
  • Clearer log file messages with full details of DNS records added/deleted
  • Full per-record TTL support when using DirectAdmin TTL values (Direct Zone File Access must be set to Standard mode - see bottom of post)
  • The knowledge base has also been updated with pictures - much nicer!
Update Instructions: Use the Plugin Manager in Direct Admin. Click on '+' and then click on Update.

Once you have updated (or installed the plugin), make sure you change the Direct Zone File Access mode to Standard in the Admin Configuration to access all of the new features. This mode will become the default in the future, but for now it needs to be selected.

Cool idea. Will try it asap and let you know.

Thanks for the plugin man ??
Update: 6th May 2021 - new version of Daflare - v0.11.2b
  • The Cloudflare Proxy status of your domain is displayed (after your next sync)
    • Grey cloud = DNS Only
    • Orange cloud = All records proxied
    • 25% - 75% Orange = Some records proxied
    • Blue server = Non-Cloudflare NS set
    • Refresh icon = Sync domain to see the status
  • After your next sync, the NS status of your domain is also displayed on the daflare Control Panel by hovering over the status icon
  • Dark Mode - who doesn’t love a good dark mode?!
  • Behind the scenes changes to enable compatibility with servers running older versions of php by targeting a custom php binary.
New control panel features are described in the Knowledge Base

View the Changelog for all the details

Update Instructions: Use the Plugin Manager in Direct Admin. Click on '+' and then click on Update.
Hi @anas_xrt

Sorry, I've just seen your message. I have never used it with this sort of setup, so unfortunately can't give you an answer on that.

If you tried it I would be interested in how/if it worked for you.

Kind regards
Hi @anas_xrt

Sorry, I've just seen your message. I have never used it with this sort of setup, so unfortunately can't give you an answer on that.

If you tried it I would be interested in how/if it worked for you.

Kind regards
Hi, Once I try, I give you a feedback
How well does it work with syncing existing cloudflare accounts with a DA server. Some of the sites on our server use their own cloudflare, but we can access the accounts from ours, will it sync these please?
Hi there,

Sync Cancelled: Neither of the nameservers for this domain are set to Cloudflare.

Fixed: if the domain already exist at DA - you need add manual the dns nameserver from CF to your dns management.
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I like the usefulness of the daflare plugin but has anyone else noticed the Custombuild error indicating there is a corrupted plugin after installing daflare?
I can't figure out how to add the domain name itself as an exception.
I set the proxy by default to off.
Then I want to add "www" and the domain name itself as a "proxy override" to ON.
www is OK, but I can't figure out how to add the domain itself...
I know I can copy the json for every domain, but it's a hassle...
Anybody figured it out?
Indeed, I already sent an e-mail asking him the same question where he in the end replied with "it is not supported and he wondered if I needed it..." um, of course I need it else I wouldn't have asked that question.

The website and explanation here gives the impression that ALL records are synchronized, but unfortunately these are only a handful of (A/AAAA/NS/TXT) records. So you can actually conclude that this plugin still has a very long way to go and it is of no use to anyone now. Websites will not comply with various standards as can be seen on, for example, observatory.mozilla.org and en.internet.nl etc.