Danginx : A Directadmin Nginx Plugin :: Turbo boost your direct admin sever

Danginx installed, LFD (from CSF) stopped

Hi, I want to share the solution if LFD stopped as danginx was installed:

There is a port mismatch, Danginx let Apache run on :8888, and this is the same port which CSF/LFD uses for the Messenger-Service "MESSENGER_HTML = .."

Solution is simple: in csf.conf change the messenger-port from :8888 to something else ... ex. :8886 and restart CSF/LFD.

"# Set this to the port that will receive the HTML message. You should configure this port to be >1023 and different from the TEXT port. Do NOT enable access to this port in TCP_IN"

I'm interesting in this product but I have to enable "Suhosin" on my server It's very important for me. so can I use this product ?


I'm interesting in this product but I have to enable "Suhosin" on my server It's very important for me. so can I use this product ?


yes, you can enable suhosin after the installation of danginx
afaik danginx is a proxy-frontend to apache-backend, so .. yes, htaccess should work
(please confirm, i`m not 100%sure)
I have a problem with htaccess files, htaccess files that are located in subfolders of the vhost are not working properly.

For example:
example.com/.htaccess -> processed fine
example.com/subfolder/.htaccess -> completely ignored
example.com:8888/subfolder/.htaccess -> processed fine

It is clearly that there is a trouble in nginx so because I want to continue use both .htaccess in subfolders and nginx I would love to hear a workaround for this issue.

Thanks in advance

I tried to install plugin on some different servers;

CentOS release 5.5 (Final)
with the ionCube PHP Loader v4.0.5,

Checking for Directadmin  ..[  YES  ]
Checking for previous installation ..
Enter  License key :
Checking for supported OS  ..[  RHEL/CENTOS   ]
Checking for SED ..[  YES  ]
Checking for GREP ..[  YES  ]
[  YES  ]
Checking for Ioncube Loader for php...[  YES  ]
Installing Directadmin  Nginx Plugin...chmod: cannot access `cgi/danginx/index.html': No such file or directory
[  done  ]
Checking for autoupdate cron[  No  ]
`updatedanginx.sh' -> `/etc/cron.weekly/updatedanginx.sh'
`/usr/local/lib/php.ini' -> `/etc/danginx/php.ini'
sh: /yum: No such file or directory
sh: /cd: No such file or directory
sh: /rm: No such file or directory
sh: /rm: No such file or directory
sh: /wget: No such file or directory
sh: /tar: No such file or directory
sh: /cd: No such file or directory
Nginx installation failed , Please contact supportNginx installation failed

And why do you need to comment disable_functions?

sed -i 's/disable_functions.*/;disable_functions/g' /etc/danginx/php.ini

Please check the installation documentation from http://wiki.sysvm.com/DirectAdminNginx
Good job!

But after added new domain need disable and again enable plugin. How fix it?
Next question. How to make some of the sites were taken completely out of cache nginx without reference to the apache?
Next question. How to make some of the sites were taken completely out of cache nginx without reference to the apache?

Just to make sure you are using da 1.39 or higher and using danginx 3.2 . If you use old dqa wit hnew danginx which make some issue , because there is a major httpport change settings included in da 1.39
I have installed it after install by ssh i should enable it?
How i can test quality on web page speed?
Error after install free trial danginx v 3.2 ( tar.gz )

after install danginx, It's has some warning

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/danginx/danginxvhost.php on line 0
nginx: [emerg] invalid host in upstream ":8888/" in /usr/local/nginx/conf/vhost.conf:28
nginx: configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test failed

when I goto website It's show:
Welcome to nginx!

Please help me, what is the next step to completed installation