Danginx : A Directadmin Nginx Plugin :: Turbo boost your direct admin sever

lol yea i hate them !!

its support ssl ?

i tried already your nginx_apache , there are few week

but i got error with CA certificate ssl ..

is it all support now ?

and its support wildcard domains ?

we are able to custom vhost of nginx proxy ?

something to know ?

so we ./build apache ; and ./build nginx_apache ?

i think you are my hero !
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Yes, that's a small issue with templating, which would be solved with the next release of DA. I may fix that by using custom scripts on your server, if you'd like to, and that would be free of cost, of course. About the SSL, yes it does work fine with SSL, it supports .htaccess and so on.
ho so nice :-) but i have a lot of servers... but 10 big shared servers need to use nginx proxy

but maybe i can pay you for more ?

i have 2-3 good question but im not very good in english.. but the big thing i want to pay you is for change php5.3 cgi (suphp) by 5.3 php-fpm ( and keep 5.2 cgi ) and add php5.4 secondary on our first 10 important big shared servers ( for be able to use apc cache and get down the load average because if i right, this is not possible with suphp ) but when i try on BIG shared servers.. its not stable.. its look like its take more ram .. and after it i have some peak of load average by apache ..

so if i can pay you for change it ..
without so many problem and optimize it.. we can make more buissness together after it for help us to manage the best setup for so many users by servers and pay you more again :-)

its maybe strange for you.. but in this moment for be able to be stable at 99% , i use apache 2.4 prefork and php/suphp

i know its strange ..lol

but its work well just into this setup with more of 2000 website by servers and i get the load average at 2.x max on all servers.

but i know we can be really better with php-fpm.. and with the oher mpm worker of apache.. but when i tried all servers have many peak of load many time by days..and i dont want learn and test on production servers and take 1 month for optimize it .. its going to be not cool for ours clients..

so if you want to help us and to be pay for it.. its can be better for you and me :-)

sorry again for my english