DirectAdmin 1.47.0 - RC

DirectAdmin Support

Staff member
Feb 27, 2003

We're please to announce the Release Candidate of DirectAdmin 1.47.0.
Update: RC 3 - Jan 8, 2015.

You can see all changes here:

This is a major release with many new features, and many bug-fixes.

New Features:


RC 2 updates:

RC 3 updates:

For anyone who is able to test these changes, they're available in the pre-release section.
Note that BlockCracking/EasySpamFigher do require SpamBlocker exim.conf 4.3.2. or higher.

Please report any issues to this thread.
If you test a particular change and it works correctly, please let us know here as well, so we also know what does work.

Regarding " 19 and exim.conf 4.2.3 (Manual changes)" - can I upgrade to newest exim.conf and without installing the new BlockCracking, EasySpamFigher and SpamBlocker? (because those filtering rules seems to strict for shared hosting servers).

Also can I upgrade to newest DirectAdmin version (when it is released) without upgrading and exim.conf? I am on CB 2.0 by the way. And currently my exim.conf is 2.1.2 and my is 17.
Regarding " 19 and exim.conf 4.2.3 (Manual changes)" - can I upgrade to newest exim.conf and without installing the new BlockCracking, EasySpamFigher and SpamBlocker? (because those filtering rules seems to strict for shared hosting servers).Also can I upgrade to newest DirectAdmin version (when it is released) without upgrading and exim.conf? I am on CB 2.0 by the way. And currently my exim.conf is 2.1.2 and my is 17.
Yes, you can upgrade exim.conf & without BlockCracking and Easy Spam Fighter :) Just make sure you have blockcracking=no and easy_spam_fighter=no set in the options.conf file.
Also can I upgrade to newest DirectAdmin version (when it is released) without upgrading and exim.conf? I am on CB 2.0 by the way. And currently my exim.conf is 2.1.2 and my is 17.
Yes, you can update DA without touching the exim.comf/ versions.

after update to RC2
2015:01:07-17:44:27: *** Segmentation fault *** Log::~Log : done : User: admin : : /CMD_BRUTE_FORCE_MONITOR : sort1=-1&seek_value=-500000 : (null)
after update to RC2
Thanks for the report.

Would you be able to send us the following files, or URLs to the files for:
from /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin

and if you're able, a gdb segfault backtrace:

Or, if you'd like to send us your root info, we could check your server directly. (in case we cannot duplicate the segfault here)


Yes, DA assembles the list of logs from the "apachelogdir", which is set as the following with nginx=1:
[root@server directadmin]# ./directadmin c |grep apachelog
1. i sent you by an email
2. why if user use his diskspace over 80% +- ( by settings ) hit got the same message that admin got?
why not " you are using...." and not "user AAA had used up...."
1) Thanks, bug has been fixed. RC3 now released.
Was caused by an empty file, and the quicksort trying to use a pivot = 0 + (n-1) / 2.. where n was 0, saving to an unsigned long long.. thus giving us a very large, out-of-array index.
Was the same code as before, so I'm actually surprised it wasn't previously segfaulting.
In any case, thanks for the info.

2) That sounds like the user_limit.txt file? It's because they get the same message, and save us from needing to manage 2 different messages.
It can be altered however you'd like via the template system.

1. i will test it . and let you know if it's solved
2. that should be different my def. as my opinion
3. try to now releease this version at 01/10/15 , i may found more bugs
the setting "Suspend a Reseller and his Users when the Reseller goes over his Bandwidth limit"
why there is no settings like "
Suspend a Reseller and his Users when the Reseller goes over his diskspace limit."
and "
Suspend a User when he goes over his diskspace/Bandwidth limit "
I dont think suspend users on disk space limit is needed, once they reach the limit, they cant save new files and/or receive new mail, but there is no reason to let user see their website and email already received...

i found bug:
on :
when i do "Clear Message System"

i select "Brute-Force Attack detected in service log" and then "delete"
he moved to "CMD_TICKET"
and not deleted anything

1) To clarify RC testing isn't a place for feature requests, we're just testing the changes we've made for this version.
However, you can already suspend a User for disk usage:
but it's not recommended.

2) I tested the "Clear Message System" option under the BFM... but it delete all message with that subject.
Note, it's a direct string match.. so if the BFM is giving the message is some other language, it won't match.
The particular string "Brute-Force Attack detected in service log" is currently hardcoded.. so if it's not being deleted, check your /var/log/directadmin/error.log and security.log.
The system.log should be logging all messages to be removed... so see if a given ID is removed, but is still in the list.

this is my error.log
2015:01:11-00:36:23: -> A failure in the SSL library occurred, usually a protocol error.
2015:01:11-00:36:23: -> error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1)
2015:01:11-00:39:06: SSL Socket write error (ret=-1): Some I/O error occurred. The OpenSSL error queue may contain more information on the error. If the error queue is empty (i.e. ERR_get_error() returns 0), ret can be used to find out more about the error: If ret == 0, an EOF was observed that violates the protocol. If ret == -1, the underlying BIO reported an I/O error (for socket I/O on Unix systems, consult errno for details).openssl error queue:

2015:01:11-00:39:06: Send:sendData(/CMD_LICENSE): attempted to send 9527 bytes, but only 6951 were delivered
2015:01:11-00:39:06: Can't connect to ssl!
2015:01:11-00:39:06: -> A failure in the SSL library occurred, usually a protocol error.
2015:01:11-00:39:06: -> error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1)
2015:01:11-00:40:34: Timeout (handshake_timeout=3) from from 79.176.35.XXX : last flagged: Sockets::handshake
2015:01:11-00:41:53: Timeout (handshake_timeout=3) from from 79.176.35.XXX : last flagged: Sockets::handshake
Those looks like generic socket/ssl errors.. usually if a browser disconnects mid-send.
You'd be seeing blank pages or half-downloaded data if there was an actual socket error for intended connections.

Is this your IP? 79.176.35.XXX
If it is, then perhaps bump up the handshake_timeout setting to a higher value than 3. (add it to the directadmin.conf).
Connections really shouldn't take more than 3 seconds to do an SSL handshake...

The errors don't seem to be related to the "clear messages" feature.

Anyone else having issues with either their connection, or their ability to clear messages?

Ah, I understand now.
No "Clear Messages" only clears the "Message System" for message reporting those attacks.
The actual log list for all attacks is not cleared via that tool.
The only thing that clears it is the Admin Settings option:
Clear failed login attempts from log X days after entry was made.