BUG user reseller created but with error not showing in lists.
enhanced DA 1.62.4
Trying again that user does exist.
So with a error you don't expect that the user reseller is created, while you can't delete this one in list while not showing in list.
2021:08:02-15:06:32: The reseller admin tried to create user "examplereseller" with domain virt.domain.nl, but domain.nl belongs to someone else |
That domain.nl is on that server but correct belongs to someone else so you cant create reseller with a "sub"domain where the maindomain belongs to other?!?
Didn't see such error before but still it is a BUG creating that user together tough with also error!
Error Creating User "examplereseller"
Unix User created successfully
User's System Quotas set
User's data directory created successfully
Domains directory created successfully
Domains directory created successfully in user's home |
User examplereseller exist error if trying new again.