DirectAdmin v1.63.4 RC

Somedays are unlike the others.. Today I found out that Directadmin is changing...
How..? Because I can't log into the panel anymore with the message: License has expired
Two days ago I got an email from DA that: License File has been updated
My guess is that, after that I was unable to log into DA..

I lease my server and the datacenter lease it to me with Directadmin.
They hold the license, and probably they did get the info about this upgrade as well.
DA has worked fine all my years, so there has been no need to check by here...

I have leased it for many years, but have payed for my final year,
and this server lease will end in september.

So now I am probably totaly in deep s#it.. Outdated in both OS & DA...
I run Centos 6.10 & and a check inside the license.key says DA version=1.3

I need DA to perform my admin routines. I am somehow not so used at Linux shell.

Is there any simple way that I can use to hold life in the DA panel on this server until september?
What are my options?

Regards Rune :-/
Is there any simple way that I can use to hold life in the DA panel on this server until september?
As long as it’s not 32 bit CentOS 6. It should work.
Looked inside "/usr/local/directadmin/scripts/setup.txt" and found:

I tried that, even if it say UID and not CID, but it did not work..

Got this reply (as if I cant login.. or file does not exist):
--2022-03-28 10:21:04--
Connecting to||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad request
Server: nginx
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2022 08:21:12 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 46
Connection: keep-alive
x-return-code: error
x-error-code: 20
Vary: User-Agent
2022-03-28 10:21:05 ERROR 400: Bad request.

Error downloading the update.tar.gz file

Can the UID value be used for CID ?

Regards Rune :-/
You do not need LID and CID to perform DA upgrade. Unless you have a rather old script. What is the current DA version /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin v ?

You can perform manual upgrade using these commands (command are update for CentOS 6 build):

COMMIT=$(dig +short -t txt "" | sed 's|.*commit=\([0-9a-f]*\).*|\1|')           # can be commit hash literal value if you want specific build to be installed
FILE="directadmin_${COMMIT}_rhel6_amd64.tar.gz"                                                              # creates download package name from the variables above

curl --location --progress-bar --connect-timeout 10 "${FILE}" --output "/root/${FILE}"   # downloads given directadmin build into /root dir
tar xzf "/root/${FILE}" -C /usr/local/directadmin                                                                         # extracts downloaded package to /usr/local/directadmin
/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin permissions || true                                                                    # runs post-upgrade permission fix step
/usr/local/directadmin/scripts/                                                                                  # runs other post upgrade fixes
service directadmin restart                                                                      # restarts directadmin
/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin v
gave me Version: DirectAdmin v.1.60.4

Not so used to shell. Should I run the above command lines one by one exactly as written..?
Yes one by one.

You can skip all the text after # symbol, these are comments. Pasting command with comments will work as well but they make lines much longer and clunkier to deal with. Here is a version without comments:

COMMIT=$(dig +short -t txt "" | sed 's|.*commit=\([0-9a-f]*\).*|\1|')
curl --location --progress-bar --connect-timeout 10 "${FILE}" --output "/root/${FILE}"
tar xzf "/root/${FILE}" -C /usr/local/directadmin
/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin permissions || true
service directadmin restart
Yes one by one.

You can skip all the text after # symbol, these are comments. Pasting command with comments will work as well but they make lines much longer and clunkier to deal with. Here is a version without comments:

Thank You very much! :-D I'm back inside DA again. :-)