I personally would like to see better integration with FreeBSD, FreeBSD has an entirely different approach to packages and handling of installed software then the other supported operating systems.
It would be really neat to have DA support FreeBSD's ports infrastructure better, this ofcourse would take more time to implement for the DA developers, but FreeBSD users will benefit from this (I am sure of that).
Currently for example; it's rather difficult to update certain packages like exim because DA rollsout their own .tgz file containing the installation, but perhaps I dont want to reside on certain features that were build into that package, or I might have more advanced options required by my users.. or... I would like to have additional PHP modules that is (to me) nearly impossible to install etc.
And beyond that, the DA tool installs files in the /etc directory and looks for /usr/{bin,sbin} folders for executables and libraries under /usr, while FreeBSD installs third party software under /usr/local, to prevent clobbering the default install (which is exactly what DA is doing, because other OS'es do it as well, like the Linux distributions).
This is (together with the Email Only Level) a real wish for me.