@roman_m or anybody else.
Is it possible to get this working with real-time updates.
Just now I added some records in DA and then removed them again. I discovered that it took too long for the Letsencrypt TXT record to be send over.
Odd enough the named and rndc was reloaded, but the 5 minute TXT record was not put in. Probably because before I tried to renew the certificate I did this add and delete again action for a couple of records.
So I checked and now I see this on Directslave:
2023112401 ; serial
while in the meantime the master server got this already:
As you can see it's out of sync now. Directslave has missed 4 updates in a short while.
And on DS it still contains an old 5 minute TXT acme_challenge record which should not be there anymore.
I got this setting in DS:
retry_time 600
but this time is also passed long already, and still the record of that domain is not updated/synchronised with the master.
I also notice some other odd thing.
@ IN SOA ns2.company.nl. hostmaster.userdomain.nl. (
Now ns2.company.nl is the DS server not the master server. Shouldn't this be ns1.company.nl in all records? I'm seeing this here both on the DS and on the DA master serve set to ns2.
Some are givig here ns2 and some domains are giving ns1 here. Or doesn't this matter?
I presume this is wrong, and if yes, how can I fix this?
Edit: I know about the named rewrite command, but I'm looking for a solution so the zones are synched more fast zo the serials can't get out of sync so fast and LE will update better.
Edit 2: OMG, the domain just updated to serial
so that's the LE update, 46 minutes past the time it should have done this update. And still 1 missing because current serial is 05, not 04.
Probably it will still be updated but this is waaayyyyy too late.