DISCONTINUED CyberAdmin Skin - The best skin ever made for DirectAdmin so far, coming soon!

maybe you dont use centos 6 or cagefs of cloudlinux..

but i dont have time to proove of whatever..

the main skin of directadmin dont have all this problem...
Hello Duke28,

Thank you for your message. We have the skin installed on many servers. Not only us, but other hosting companies and datacenters are using the skin (each with their own thousands of customers), and as you can read in this forum, we take care of all issues VERY FAST.

So what is the problem? Why can't we just reimburse you for your 12 licenses?

Well, first of all we do not offer a money back guarantee on this product. Secondly, we are still waiting for you to show us a correct sreenshot of the first problem you had (editing MX records - which this is the first time we have this problem reported) and the second problem you report is an error you get during "some file operation we don't know". Why do we not know what operation you are doing ? Becuase you have not answered us yet telling us how you got that error.

Javier has answered your ticket already. Please read it carefully, and give us the information we need. We are not just going to give you a refund because you ask for it, we need to see that it's our fault first. I think that is fair for both.

So, we are waiting for you to explain the problems correctly and then we decide what we do.


Hello Duke,

Can you please clarify what "List" we are on? We have not authorized Rapidenet Canada to add Cyberneticos on any lists.

Please clarify.

Thank you,

New release v1.4.3

Due to the fact that ionCube has been removed support for oldest versions of the Loader,
CyberAdmin, from version 1.4.2, will only be compatible with versions of ionCube Loader 4+.
With versions of the ionCube Loader prior to 4, CyberAdmin 1.4.3 may stop working.
Please, feel free to comment or ask about this issue.

Debido a que ionCube ha eliminado el soporte para versiones antiguas del Loader, CyberAdmin,
a partir de su versión 1.4.2, solo será compatible con versiones de ionCube Loader 4+.
Con versiones del ionCube Loader anteriores a la 4, CyberAdmin 1.4.3 podría dejar de funcionar.
Por favor, le invitamos a comentar o consultar cualquier duda que tenga al respecto.

Changes and new features / Modificaciones y mejoras:

  • Add 'Override TTL Value' option in 'DNS Administration' / Añadida opción 'Reemplazar valor TTL' en 'Gestión DNS'
  • Add 'Certificate Type' and new 'Key Size' option values in 'SSL Certificates' / Añadida opción 'Tipo de certificado' y nuevos valores en la opción 'Tamaño de la llave' en 'Certificados SSL'
  • Fix spanish translation in 'DNS Administration' / Corrección en la traducción al español en 'Gestión DNS'
  • Fix message view after launch 'Protect' action in 'File Manager' / Corrección de la vista de mensaje tras lanzar la acción 'Proteger' en 'Gestor de Archivos'
  • Fix styles and spanish translation in 'Change Passwords' / Corrección de estilos y traducción al español en 'Cambiar Clave'

UnZIP the file first in your PC, then upload the TAR.GZ file you extracted vía the skin manager replacing any previous versions you have
installed with this one.All bugs have been fixed. If you find any issues please report it here on this thread. Thank you!
Hi all,

As we report you in the release notes for the two latest versions of CyberAdmin,
ionCube has been removed the support for oldest versions of the Loader, prior
to version 4.

For this reason we decide to update the packaging of CyberAdmin. This new
package includes a sole version of CyberAdmin 'suitable' for all the
versions of PHP 5+ and ionCube Loader 4+ (or this was our intention).

But, in some of our servers where we deploy the CyberAdmin skin, we found that,
in servers with version of PHP 5.5 and ionCube Loader prior to version 5,
our skin has stopped working.

In servers where ionCube Loader 5 is installed, CyberAdmin skin works regardless
of the version of PHP 5 installed.

Has anyone run into the same problem after update to the latest version of

We are thinking to revert to the previous packaging system, but first, we
would like to hear your opinions.
I have few problems with skin:

1. I'm not able to edit hosting plan for inodes. When you are creating new hosting plan you are not able to limit inodes http://screencast.com/t/iCN9K70iqoR (as you can see on image, no indode limitation at all).

2. Users don't have ability to see how many inodes they are using in statistic panel http://screencast.com/t/ff1kE87RC (no statistic for inodes)

3. When you are using installation there is issue with script http://screencast.com/t/ziRD2MKaHZ2x (check picture, there is blank space in icons)

4. Installatron has "Feautured applications" like on this link http://installatron.com/images/screenshots_i7/ss_widget_directadmin_large.png inside theme there is no such option. Client need to click on Installatron icon and then from there he is able to install applications, but something like on pictures is not enabled.

5. It should be nice to have limitations from CloudLinux in statistic, something like on this picture http://www.cloudlinux.com/upload/medialibrary/386/cloudlinux-cP.png but this is optional.

I'm using last version of skin and I have this problems, can you please update skin for this few things :)
Hi Artis,

We are going to try to release a new bugfix version this week.

Please, stay tuned.
Hi Javier,
please may I ask if you send your newsletter only in spain, or maybe also in english? How can I opt-out if only in spain?
Thanks indeed! :)
hello javier. what payments are accepted? also why is there not an english payment site, its all in spanish, i am sure an englsih payment site would bring you more effort.
Any update on this ?

Also is it possible to add few modifications (I want to pay it), if it is possible where I can contact you ?

Hi Artis,

We were unable to release the new version in July, before we going on holiday. We are back from holidays and we plan to release the new CyberAdmin version in a few days.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
hello javier. what payments are accepted? also why is there not an english payment site, its all in spanish, i am sure an englsih payment site would bring you more effort.

We accept Paypal, Bank transfer and Credit Card.

Try here!
Hi Javier,
please may I ask if you send your newsletter only in spain, or maybe also in english? How can I opt-out if only in spain?
Thanks indeed! :)

Hi Johannes,

The newsletter is sent only in Spanish. If you are not interested you can unregister from newsletter in your client panel with the option 'Opt-Newsletter'.

I am so sorry for the long delay for the response.

Love the skin.

Where's the best place to request support?

I've got a couple issues.

Firstly, my lost password option is showing the default da password recovery screen.

Second, the file manager advanced search loads the search window far outside the bounds of the container and browser. fms.jpg

PS. This skin is not responsive. Do you have plans to make it responsive?
Hi Johannes,

The newsletter is sent only in Spanish. If you are not interested you can unregister from newsletter in your client panel with the option 'Opt-Newsletter'.

I am so sorry for the long delay for the response.

Why would you not use the many tools freely available to you to make this happen?
You do not even need to learn a new language, google does this for you with just a click... are your customers not that important?
Where's the best place to request support?
You can open a support ticket from your client area.

I've got a couple issues.

Firstly, my lost password option is showing the default da password recovery screen.

Second, the file manager advanced search loads the search window far outside the bounds of the container and browser. View attachment 2108

We are going to fix this for the next release, thanks for your support!

PS. This skin is not responsive. Do you have plans to make it responsive?

We are working to make CyberAdmin a responsive theme, but the task requires much effort, and we expect to release it for the next year.