DISCONTINUED CyberAdmin Skin - The best skin ever made for DirectAdmin so far, coming soon!

Hi, any ETA for a new release which include the Let's Encrypt support?

Hi SelleRoNe,

We expect to launch a new update to the CyberAdmin Skin in a few weeks, and we plan to add this new feature too.

King regards
Hi jkirker,

We have been busy with another project that required all of our effort, but we plan to release a new version of CyberAdmin as soon as possible.

Hi Javier,

I'm sure I speak for everyone who is subscribing and paying you for the skin. We pay for the skin in hopes that you will have the financial capacity to allocate the adequate resources to keep the skin up to date.

Are there not enough clients/subscriptions to support its development? It really is a fantastic skin so I would hope so.

As for me and my business, my clients do not care if I'm busy with other things when they need their work done - especially when it's delivered after a previously promised date with no new ETA in mind.

I know that these comments add stress to you - and it's stress that I and I'm sure many of us live with every day serving our clients - so I do understand where you are at and hope you understand where we are at as well.

But there are certain to be other changes and additions to DA. If the skin is consistently weeks or months behind on these features then we are limited in our ability to offer them to our clients. And when these are offered by competitors and not us, we are at risk of losing clients because the clients may decide to leave us for another host who does offer them. At that point our only alternative is to go with another skin or the default skin which isn't as visually appealing.

Switching skins all the time is an awful practice because then clients lose the feel of consistency and stability - which is probably the #1 important thing when offering hosting services.

I hope you understand.

Hello jkirker!

You have nothing to worry about and we understand your worries. We used to be in the same predicament with other skins. Just so you know, we are a fairly big hoster in Spain and we use this skin on all of our servers. So we are the first ones to want this skin to be mantained adecuately.

What Javier meant was that he's finishing up some other internal projects we have going, but his main focus is on the skin. We have a programmer and designer that are permanently assigned to keeping the skin up to date.

Expect continuous updates on Cyberadmin, just like we've been doing up to this day.

New release v1.6.0

Changes and new features / Modificaciones y mejoras:

  • Adds Let's Encrypt support in 'SSL Certificates' panel / Añadido soporte para Let's Encrypt en el panel 'Certificados SSL'
  • Adds FTP secure selection list in backups panels / Añadido listado de selección de FTP seguro en los paneles de backups
  • Adds Dutch language / Añadido el idioma Holandés
  • Fix link to 'Backup Monitor' in 'Admin Backup' / Corregido enlace a 'Monitor de Backups' en 'Backup de Admin'

Due to the fact that ionCube has been removed support for oldest versions of the Loader,
CyberAdmin, from version 1.4.2, will only be compatible with versions of ionCube Loader 4+.
With versions of the ionCube Loader prior to 4, CyberAdmin 1.x.x may stop working.
Please, feel free to comment or ask about this issue.

Debido a que ionCube ha eliminado el soporte para versiones antiguas del Loader, CyberAdmin,
a partir de su versión 1.4.2, solo será compatible con versiones de ionCube Loader 4+.
Con versiones del ionCube Loader anteriores a la 4, CyberAdmin 1.x.x podría dejar de funcionar.
Por favor, le invitamos a comentar o consultar cualquier duda que tenga al respecto.

UnZIP the file first in your PC, then upload the TAR.GZ file you extracted vía the skin manager replacing any previous versions you have
installed with this one.All bugs have been fixed. If you find any issues please report it here on this thread. Thank you!
Hi zEitEr,

We are aware of this future update to the SSL panel, but thanks for the information.

I started to receive the following error on all of my hosts:
file_put_contents(/usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/xxx/license/key): failed to open stream: Permission denied

Any recommendations? I'm paid through 2018.

We've recently purchased the CyberAdmin skin and are quite happy with it. A big improvement over the standard DirectAdmin skins.

I do have one question: the login screen seems to lack an "OK" or "Login" button. Is this intended? or a bug?

When using a password manager (e.g. Lastpass, or built-in browser, etc.) one usually just hits the "Login" button with the mouse. In this case however you first have to select one of the input fields, then hit the enter button. I realise it's just a small issue, but it seems an unnecessary and unusual one.
Hi xnpu,

Surely is a bug with your login install. The password field must contains the button you lack.


Can you check if the folder /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/login_images contains all the images in [cyberadmin_folder]/login/img?

New release v1.7.0

Changes and new features / Modificaciones y mejoras:

  • Add support for Two-Step Authentication / Añadido soporte para Autenticación en Dos Pasos.
  • Update to add global custom include templates for apache/nginx / Actualización para añadir includes globales personalizados para apache/nginx.
  • Update to add ability to select DNS records for Let's Encrypt / Actualización para añadir la habilidad de seleccionar registros DNS para Let's Encrypt.
  • Update to show warning if DA has not been restarted since last license update / Actualización para mostrar alerta si DA no se ha reiniciado desde la última actualización.
  • Update to 'Autoresponders' and 'Vacation Messages' to support html or utf-8 / Actualización 'Auto Respuestas' y 'Mensaje Vacacional' para soportar html o utf-8.
  • Update to improve api calls when SSL is enabled / Actualización para mejorar las llamadas a la API cuando SSL está activo.
  • Update to 'File Manager' to add meta tag to disable Google Translate / Actualización al 'Gestor de Archivos' para añadir tag meta para desactivar Google Translate.
  • Fix styles and error handling for 'File Manager' / Corrección de estilos y manejo de errores en el 'Gestor de Archivos'.
  • Fix styles for 'Messaging System' / Corrección de estilos en 'Sistema de Mensajes'
  • Fix ajax calls to validate domain in 'Create Domain' / Corrección de las llamadas ajax para la validación del dominio en 'Crear Dominio'

Due to the fact that ionCube has been removed support for oldest versions of the Loader,
CyberAdmin, from version 1.4.2, will only be compatible with versions of ionCube Loader 4+.
With versions of the ionCube Loader prior to 4, CyberAdmin 1.x.x may stop working.
Please, feel free to comment or ask about this issue.

Debido a que ionCube ha eliminado el soporte para versiones antiguas del Loader, CyberAdmin,
a partir de su versión 1.4.2, solo será compatible con versiones de ionCube Loader 4+.
Con versiones del ionCube Loader anteriores a la 4, CyberAdmin 1.x.x podría dejar de funcionar.
Por favor, le invitamos a comentar o consultar cualquier duda que tenga al respecto.

UnZIP the file first in your PC, then upload the TAR.GZ file you extracted vía the skin manager replacing any previous versions you have
installed with this one.All bugs have been fixed. If you find any issues please report it here on this thread. Thank you!
Hi Javier,

Thanks for the update.

I'm actually facing a strange issue, one of my DA Server is reporting a "Response not valid" on the Skin License, so all my customers can't use the Control Panel because they receive an error about the license itself.

I've tryed to reactivate the license from your client zone but apparently is not fixing the issue.

Any hint?


Best regards
Additional information, in debug mode i can see this error:
PHP Notice: Undefined index: status in /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/CyberAdmin/include/functions.php on line 303
