Domain expired - emails are rejected if you use this rbl


Verified User
Mar 13, 2015

Domain was expired, please note that cause reject all emails if you use this rbl in your exim.conf
I used the exim.strings.conf.custom to temporarily block it out. Can't imagine that they won't take it back and stop without notice.
Seems indeed they renewed again, but nameservers are not synched everywhere yet, so it looks as they will be back and this is a temporary issue.
We have updated our exim conf, but other servers in the chain are still blocking. Do you really think it will be up again soon? I sure hope so.
Updated Date: 2021-01-31T16:04:06Z
Creation Date: 1999-01-30T05:00:00Z
Registry Expiry Date: 2022-01-30T05:00:00Z
So somebody has renewed. I'm almost sure it will be back. But we can only see if it's the same guys and stuff if it comes back up.

New ip's seem to point to so lets wait a couple of hours more. Nameserver synching takes time.

Edit: We were posting simulanuously. Oke that is good news. :)
We're not fully synched on this side but it will happen soon then.
@Richard G

Are you sure?

" domain expired and for a few hours it was parked.
Email services improperly not reading answer codes to be and blocking emails are the secondary cause of your issue.
Now neither the team or someone from the Cisco communication staff issued a public statement or apologize for the disruption of such world-wide significant service outage caused by negligence."

Sofar i didn't find one.

That is no good sign!
Good point, though it looks like the registration didn't change hands it was just continued for another year. So we're just as sure or unsure as we were before Sunday.
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Are you sure?
Yes because the only way that my login cookies would have being able to keep working is if the exact same website etc. is back, which it is, because I did not have to log in again.
Even if the domain was hijjacked for a short while, if the site was setup again, I would have needed to login again, which I didn't.
Next to that I enabled Spamcop on all my servers again last night and everything is working fine.

As far as apology's go... seems it's from Cisco, they don't apologize quickly.
Or they are supported by Cisco.
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As far as apology's go... seems it's from Cisco, they don't apologize quickly.
Or they are supported by Cisco.
You were just a bit to quick to edit that part, yeah Haight sold his private free project to Cisco already in 2007. He left the project 12,5 years ago now. He commented about the registration expiring on Reddit, calling it "distressing" and stating "maybe this is how it ends".
Yes correct I edited it because I remembered I've seen something of Cisco in the past. At first I thought it was a free project sponsered by Cisco.
But discovered it wasn't for a long time anymore. However if I contact them, mostly one very friendly guy who is also called Richard, is answering the support mails.

Haight is indeed correct in being amazed at "how long the site was kept alive, seemingly with few changes". It's a so simple setup and layout and indeed unchange for more then a decade (lets say from the start).
I didn't have too much issue registering, and on a couple of things which went sideways, that support guy Richard fixed it very fast.

Problem is we do need to fight spam. And as far as RBL's go, I still like this as one of the best, even if ancient. Haight created something great, imho especially for that time.