Easy Site Install is plugin for auto install Mambo 4.5.0 in DirectAdmin


can't we all help to get this script good and support alot of program's ?

who would like to help with it

i want to help already ;)

let me know you may also mail me [email protected]

i mean it gets on my server but is not installes and active and this is also not happening. no install.sh file

later on i cant even fetch it from the server.

i do not run ssl
and other plugins are ok
Your connection has timed out


Either your request was invalid or the program hasn't completed your request.
Please notify the server admin

(this happens only with this plugin)
martexx said:
Your connection has timed out


Either your request was invalid or the program hasn't completed your request.
Please notify the server admin

(this happens only with this plugin)

In Thailand traffic It slow.

Retry install plugin with Upload the plugin from your local computer
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Easy site install

Hey allemaal,

Ik ben beetje nieuw hier maargoed ik krijg die easy site install niet geinstalleerd, nadat ik op de install knop druk krijg ik:

The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.

heb hem ook eerst gedownload naar mijn pc en daarna geprobeerd maar beide werken niet
can u not add e107 to this. now that wood be cool
& y is the phpnuke not in english???
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i get the same error with joomla and mambo

Database test created...
Fatal error: Call to undefined function zip_open() in /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/easy_site_install/hooks/common.php on line 25
i get the same error with joomla and mambo

Database test created...
Fatal error: Call to undefined function zip_open() in /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/easy_site_install/hooks/common.php on line 25
At me too this problem
Probably it is necessary to compile php with libzip?
guess it never came to pass :( has a very short list of apps (5?)
and seems (unless Im mistaken) the apps are included in the plugin so an install would mean an immediate upgrade would be needed. :(
BUT.. its a place to start for me to expand on this plugin, offer more (normal apps) as a community plugin

and I did find WordPress but was in Thai language only in the source folder

this plugin is rather large in size 52MB, isnt that a bit much for the plugin installer to handle?
(due to having all scripts on board and not fetching from the repository )
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