Like putting in Spanish the aid of the panel directadmin
Step 1. -
We unload the file “to ayuda.rar” from one of the following connections:
Step 2. -
We create the user account: “aid”
Step 3. -
We decompress in our PC the file “to ayuda.rar” and raised to its content the directory” /public_html " of the new created account.
They have to be thus:
folder/to reseller
Other archives…
Step 4. -
From the administration panel we go to the zone of “Beginning” or “Home”
We click “” in the Publishing icon “of Archives” and in “It selects a file to publish” we selected” /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf " (the route where we have the file “directadmin.conf”).
We click “” in “Showing File”.
Us pedira that autentifiquemos us like root to have administration right.
We modify the following connections:
admin. site - to helper. com = Cambialo by: (the one of your IP Servant)/~ayuda/administradores - Example/~ayuda/admin
to reseller. site - to helper. com = (YOUR IP Servant) to/~ayuda/reseller - Example to/~ayuda/reseller
HTTP: // www. site - to helper. com = (YOUR IP Servant)/~ayuda/usuarios -/~ayuda Example
You can see one here demo: HTTP: // panel. directadmin. com. it is
Name of user: demo_admin
Password: demo