fed up designing a billing system

Looks like we all have our different experiences.

I built my own templates. I was forced a bit to build my templates around their billing system but I was not bound by their template.

If it was full of bugs, I would not be using it. It has its share of issues. Show me a top end billing software that doesn't.

Support? I have never had a support ticket go more than 2 hours without a response. The forums (which are not support) may not have the best response level I would like from the awbs team, but I don't have any issues with the support side of the house.

No refunds. Good point. We elected to use the LEASE program until we were sure it was what we wanted so for under 15 a month, we tested the software. Not too shabby if you ask me.

ArielHost said:
I tried AWBS, it was horrible... main problems:

1). You are forced to build your site around their template.

2). Full of bugs.

3). Bad support.

4). No refunds if it doesn't work out.
ArielHost said:
2). Full of bugs.
Hi ArielHost, could you please elaborate a bit more on the bugs you found?

The reason I ask is that I am about to buy AWBS but would like to hear what your experience was.

Also, what server OS was your installation on?

Thanks for your input,

MM :)
mmerlin said:
Hi ArielHost, could you please elaborate a bit more on the bugs you found? The reason I ask is that I am about to buy AWBS but would like to hear what your experience was. Also, what server OS was your installation on?
It seems he left the building. OTOH, if you bought it, how did it work out for you?
I see people complaining about that AWBS has an ugly frontend and is impossible to integrate into your own design. Which is not true..
AWBS is harder to integrate than many others, but it`s doable, and if you don`t want to do it yourself, you can get professional help for some companies that do this. (look for them in the awbs forum)

Here is our site running AWBS:
Vpower said:
I see people complaining about that AWBS is impossible to integrate into your own design
I know you haven't had much time to use it, but how well does it work?

You`re right, but as for the time I`ve used, my experience is that it is very powerful! Take your time setting it up properly and learning it is important.
To be honest, I have just found one thing to complain about, an that is the upgrade process which is a bit messy if you have customized your templates a lot, but with programs like beyond compare it get a bit easier :)

I use DirectAdmin (of course), Directi for domains, and a custom made payement module for a norwegian payment processing company which "treehost" from awbs forums made for me and it works like a charm!
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