Looks like we all have our different experiences.
I built my own templates. I was forced a bit to build my templates around their billing system but I was not bound by their template.
If it was full of bugs, I would not be using it. It has its share of issues. Show me a top end billing software that doesn't.
Support? I have never had a support ticket go more than 2 hours without a response. The forums (which are not support) may not have the best response level I would like from the awbs team, but I don't have any issues with the support side of the house.
No refunds. Good point. We elected to use the LEASE program until we were sure it was what we wanted so for under 15 a month, we tested the software. Not too shabby if you ask me.
I built my own templates. I was forced a bit to build my templates around their billing system but I was not bound by their template.
If it was full of bugs, I would not be using it. It has its share of issues. Show me a top end billing software that doesn't.
Support? I have never had a support ticket go more than 2 hours without a response. The forums (which are not support) may not have the best response level I would like from the awbs team, but I don't have any issues with the support side of the house.
No refunds. Good point. We elected to use the LEASE program until we were sure it was what we wanted so for under 15 a month, we tested the software. Not too shabby if you ask me.
ArielHost said:I tried AWBS, it was horrible... main problems:
1). You are forced to build your site around their template.
2). Full of bugs.
3). Bad support.
4). No refunds if it doesn't work out.