Verified User
I found on the forum that you cannot use domain as hostname and its recommended to use
I am using this setup but i like to add to the admin users as domain so i can custom config to httpd (mod rewrite proxy etc.)
Voor tools that run on the server webside. I can ofc make them manually in the custom dir but having directadmin setup the basic templates is quite usefull.
Besides I like to know the reason.
So is this a no no (i gues) but why ?
What is the prefered way to access monitors custome interfaces run on the server in this example shellinabox.
I am using this setup but i like to add to the admin users as domain so i can custom config to httpd (mod rewrite proxy etc.)
Voor tools that run on the server webside. I can ofc make them manually in the custom dir but having directadmin setup the basic templates is quite usefull.
Besides I like to know the reason.
So is this a no no (i gues) but why ?
What is the prefered way to access monitors custome interfaces run on the server in this example shellinabox.