How do you not use DNS entries?


Verified User
Jun 20, 2019

How can I change from the user or administrator level so that the user has the option to choose domain parking or not? Users will not always use the DNS servers of the panel. And some want to use Cloudflare or other DNS servers.

Can not find this function or how to do it?:confused:
This is controlled by the domain registrar - you have to change the name servers of the domain name. This is not related to DirectAdmin.
This is controlled by the domain registrar - you have to change the name servers of the domain name. This is not related to DirectAdmin.

Of course, the user manages the domain from the recorder. However, as a user, I do not want to use DNS entries available in directadmin. It is enough that the DNS servers will not be set to those indicated in directadmin and will not function?

Is it possible to disable these entries if the user does not want to use them? They are misleading.
You can disable DNS control either per user or a per hosting package, and it will effect all domains under an user. Check it on a reseller's level in DirectAdmin.
Yes, that's a good catch. DirectAdmin should show a DKIM public key even if DNS control is disabled for an user. That might become a feature request.
How do you not use DNS entries

Hide and unhide unit are visual changes - unit is still there, and can act.

You might want unit or unstore_unit.
