How to Switch From Nginx to Apache?


Verified User
Jan 28, 2011
I have custombuild 2.0

nginx and php-fpm54 mod_rewrite is not working how I can switch From Nginx to Apache?
Use the following commands:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build set webserver apache
./build apache
Error :/

apache webserver configuration option is not compatible with php-fpm, lsphp or php-fastcgi PHP mode with mod_ruid2 enabled.
What's missing is the ability to do this directly via the DA control panel, because if a company creates ecommerce sites such as Prestashop, we should be able to do this without the other sites being affected.
Really? Upping an 8 year old post for something which doesn't add anything important?
If you want to do this via the panel and it can not be done (as you say) don't, up 8 year old post but send in a feature suggestion.
I didn't say the option was not important, I said getting a 8 year old topic up for this is not important.
That's what the feedback section is for. ;)
Also, Plesk, cPanel and DA are all not the same.
I didn't ask support for this, but I'm going to do it soon, it's a shame that redevelopment is expensive.
I never use the custombuild gui, but I wonder if it can't be done the same way via the GUI.
Change nGinx to apache and rebuild.
I never use the custombuild gui, but I wonder if it can't be done the same way via the GUI.
Change nGinx to apache and rebuild.
He want can use both nginx and apache in panel, same as Fastpanel. Can set nginx or apache or nginx_apache for each domain.
I think it is good idea. but in Directadmin it can not.
if want high speed and htaccess, i think use litespeed webserver is the best solution
Yes it's a solution already in use that I haven't seen in use, I see that you come from Viet Nam, why do I say that, simply you have one of the best beginnings in the world of the web is that we, even with our European network, are still far away.
Yes it's a solution already in use that I haven't seen in use, I see that you come from Viet Nam, why do I say that, simply you have one of the best beginnings in the world of the web is that we, even with our European network, are still far away.
In VietNam, Hosting (in provider company) must have litespeed. Everyone like it.
Because of your bandwidth, everyone would love to go to your place, even in Simgapour, but we can't!
If you need DirectAdmin technical support - you may create a ticket about it. To be honest - I'm not yet sure what problem you have :)

Do you mean you have webserver nginx_apache set in CustomBuild configuration (nginx as reverse proxy to apache: and you do not see option to use just nginx to serve a site in Nginx URL Rewrite section under user level?
If you need DirectAdmin technical support - you may create a ticket about it. To be honest - I'm not yet sure what problem you have :)
It's done, and I've asked for it to be changed in the next DA update.
Do you mean you have webserver nginx_apache set in CustomBuild configuration (nginx as reverse proxy to apache: and you do not see option to use just nginx to serve a site in Nginx URL Rewrite section under user level?
You have to make a manual change first after activation in the panel, is that what you're telling me?
It would be great if you could provide plesk support in images to help you understand.