I disabled SSL in User Level; Cant enable it now

But its unlogical, to have a disable button, but not an enable button afterwards.
Well that must be an Evo issue then, because the selection option to enable or disable SSL in Enhanced skin does not disappear. So I don't quite understand what you mean, or if it's indeed an Evo issue.
Yes in Evo skin. I tested again, and found that on another (newer domain) the "Enable DKIM" button appears, after deactivating it before.
It seems not to work on older domains from customers, where the button doenst appear. I cant say since when this happened.
Oh you mean DKIM. I thought you ment SSL as this is what the thread is about.
I didn't test DKIM but if that button disappears since some time that's odd. It's one of the reasons I myself still use enhanced, it just works and I like the overview better.