Is this legal??

I purchased Lifetime license last week, can i get a refund and then bid on ??? :D

I see Pro Web UK was quick off the mark with 0.01 bid :D
I actually bidded $5 as a start to get things moving.... have no idea why its showing as 0.01..... when i try to bid again it says im the winner and cant make a bid lower than my last!

Theres my excuse for you :D

I am now highest bidder :D

Think i will lay off now for about 18 days to see how auction is going! :D
It classes your last bid as your maximum bid but will only increment the bid on screen to the current maximum and until someone meets or beats your maximum bid the system will auto bid up to the maximum for you...... i think that looks like how it works :D
not sure if im liking this... says minimum bid is $6.50 on the right, make a bid of $6.50

says my bid is not high enough to be the highest bidder - minimum is $8.50. Enter another bid @ $8.50 - unfortunately your bid is not the highest bidder do you wish to make another bid - now with a minimum of $9.50!..
i'll let you into a secret a put a bid in of 10.00 thats why you bid aint high enough ;)
ProWebUK said:
The payment doesnt go through host auctioneer. I would suggest either contacting Two-A-T or directadmin regarding it :)


Correct on the first part :)

If you win an auction or use the "Buy Now" option to win, you will be sent an email by the site telling you that you have won and giving you the seller's contact email. The seller is also sent an email giving them your contact info.

From there it's between the seller and the buyer to settle payment just like it would be on eBay or any other auction site. The actual money transactions are between you (buyer & seller). is only involved in money transactions if money is due to the site for the listing services itself (IE listing upgrades, final value fee, etc) OR if the auction was listed by HostAuctioneer (such as the banner rotation slot auction currently listed).

Hope that clarifies it :)

Thanks to all of you for signing up and getting involved in the DirectAdmin listings. We hope you'll stick around and use the site even after those are gone!

Here's a little advance notice to any of you who may want to create your own listings and sell something - Starting with the November issue, which should be arriving in mail boxes some time next week, will be running 1/2 page ads in Ping! Zine magazine and we are expecting a major increase in traffic to the site (Ping! Zine has over 14,000 print subscribers!). So, now is the time to post your offers and get them in front of the new traffic we're expecting (Like DirectAdmin did!)!

If you have any questions about the process and selling on the site, contact me and I'll be happy to go over it with you!

To find out more about Ping! Zine magazine, go here:
Well I was one of the first to grab one and Mark contacted me in about 5 mins regarding Payment. I was thinking about trying DA but was not really sure as I have 32 CPanel servers online right now but the $99 persuaded me to try it on 1 server. (Just got to wait for it to arrive on Mon / tue now before installation....)

TD said:
same here - I'd love to be able to leave positive feedback - but the feedback system at HA isn't working yet.


It is working.

I just tested it and it's working fine for me. I posted positive feedback on DirectAdmin.

What problem or error did you have when attempting to leave feedback?
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No closed auctions - nothing to reply to...

1) Log into you HA account.

2) After you log in, you are taken to your "User's control panel" screen. From there you click "Sellers Contact Info" in the right column (2nd from the bottom).

3) That will show you the sellers of any auctions you won and should show the "Buy Now" listing. From there, click the actual listing link "Special $99 DirectAdmin lifetime license! *BUY NOW*" and it will take you to the actual listing you won which will say "CLOSED".

4) From there if you click on DirectAdmin's seller name it should take you to DirectAdmin/Mark's info screen.

5) Click "Leave Feedback" from there and it should allow you to do it. NOTE: It will ask for your login name and password on the top of the feedback form. This must be put in exactly the same way you log into your account on the site or it will not accept it. Even though you are already logged in, it asks again to verify your account.

Because the site only allows you to leave feedback on sellers that you have actually won auctions from, you have to access the feedback from the actual listing that you won. And you can only do that from your control panel and the listings you won since those listings are closed and no longer active. It keeps people from leaving false feedback on someone that they didn't actually have any dealings with.

That should take care of it. Let me know if you still have any problems! :)

Note: Remember, the site does have a "Help Section" which you can access both via the top menu bar which should be on every page and via the "Help Column" on the right side of the main page. The help section should give answers for most things. The section for "Feedback" is under the "General" topic. :)
Why isn't possible to buy the $99 license anymore???

I can only bid on the license

As mentioned somewhere in this thread, with the 'buy now' bids you can click the 'buy now' option or make a normal bid on the item. If you make a normal bid the item will be put up as a normal bid and the 'buy now' button removed.

JKW said:
Why isn't possible to buy the $99 license anymore???

I can only bid on the license

All of the $99 "Buy Now" licenses that were listed have been taken. All that is left is 2 "No Reserve" listings that will go to the highest bidder at the end of the time frame they are listed for.

One of those 2 WAS a "Buy Now" but because someone placed a regular bid and didn't click the "Buy Now" button, it voided the "Buy Now" option and made it a regular auction with no reserve.

Hope that clarifies :)
Thread Bump! :)

Just a note to anyone interested in this DA license....

Current bid is only $27.50 USD and the auction ends in less than 12 hours!

No Reserve... will be sold to the highest bidder! Place your bid now if you want the cheapest DA lifetime license ever! ;)

I don't know if Mark & John will offer any others this cheap!

EDIT: Remember- If you have already won one of the DA auction listings on this site (Including "Buy Now" listings), you can not win another one. These are promotional offers by Mark & John and each person/company is only allowed to have 1 license under these offers. If you already have a license from these offers, please do not bid on any other DA licenses there. Unless Mark or John give notice otherwise, this limit is still in place
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