List all PHP-versions for all domains

@wavoe is this still supported?

In DA now I get a message that phpversionlist should be updated:

PHP version list1.8.0Upgrade Required

However... when downloading it's still says version 1.8.0, next to the bug that for some reason the causes some error.
Just wondering as to why this "upgrade required" suddenly seems to appear while imho no new version is present or required.

Or anybody else having the same?
Hi Richard,
I also see the same message indeed, I will take some time to find the reason behind it.
Version 1.8.0 is still the latest version (it's fetched from ) but last week I updated the tar.gz file, maybe it has to do with that, not sure yet.

Recently someone opened a bug ticket on my bitbucket project page to mention that he couldn't install the plugin from the given bitbucket url.
We already knew that there was some issue, so I took some time (after few months) to try to find an explanation for it, and it seems to be related to how the file is served from bitbucket itself.. Next step is that I open a ticket at their side and hope a bit that it would be fixed.
Great, thank you very much. (y)
At this moment to prevent the message for my admin I have pointed both file and update url to a locally placed file.
So if everythings is fixed, please let us know then I can put it back to original. :)
Great, thank you very much. (y)
At this moment to prevent the message for my admin I have pointed both file and update url to a locally placed file.
So if everythings is fixed, please let us know then I can put it back to original. :)
I restored the original plugin file with version 1.8.0. On my server the message seems to be disappeared? Can you confirm?
DirectAdmin Version 1.657 Change log has as the last topic the following

Removed support for second PHP version

In my display of PHP Version List, all domains have second PHP Off, yet in each domain main index page, I can select from 3 versions of PHP and the following CustomBuild PHP options:

# ./build options
PHP (default): 8.1 as php-fpm
PHP (additional): 8.2 as php-fpm
PHP (additional, 3rd): 8.3 as php-fpm

I wonder why PHP Version List doesn't show ALL 3 of the PHP versions.

@davidc you can still have up to 4 PHP versions configured in CustomBuild and installed on the system. The second version mentioned in the change-log is referring to the feature where two PHP version handlers can be configured on the webserver for a single domain (.php files executed with first php version and .php__ files executed with second PHP). This was not well known feature.

You can still use any single one PHP version on any domain or sub-domain in DA 1.567. In DA 1.567 files with extensions .php__ will no longer work (where __ is two numbers for PHP version).
@wavoe I'm sorry to say the issue is back. On one of my servers (Centos 7) I got the upgrade message again. And on upgrading the issue with how presented the file was there again and upgrade failed.
So for this server I will set it back to my own temp link for the time being.
This is supported in Suspenders (but I haven't tested it against CloudLinux PHP Selector). It's not a super flashy feature, but I find it works great for deprecating and removing older PHP versions.

$ sus directadmin:domain-php-versions
| User | Domain      | Version |
| adam | | 7.4     |
| adam | | 8.1     |
| adam | | 7.4     |

I opted to not show that the domain was using the default PHP version because I've started ignoring the default PHP version and preferring to set one when the domain is created since I almost always want it to the be latest PHP release and not the version 1-2 previous that I keep the default/slot 1 at.
Pity, because a lot of hosters will not do what you do. And it can be very handy in some cases to know which php version is used, even if it's the default.
I can't tell if we're on the same page or not, so to clarify: I show all domains and their PHP version in Suspenders. I just don't annotate whether it's using the default selector (no php1_select value) or not.

There's a separate command as a convenience that does return this kind of information.

$ sus directadmin:php-versions
PHP 1 (default): 7.4
PHP 2: 8.1
PHP 3: 5.6
PHP 4: no

I'm not opposed to adding an annotation as it being the "default" but I have ideas on how to improve migrating domains between servers and ensuring PHP versions match, which means that having the unselected PHP state (no php1_select value) feels less useful to me overall. Maybe it's not. Will see :)

(full disclosure in case it's not clear to everyone else: I'm the author of Suspenders)
I just don't annotate whether it's using the default selector (no php1_select value) or not.
I'm sorry. I'm not native English, but in that case we're on the same page. I misunderstood the mening of the word "annotate" probably.
As long as all versions used are visible for all domains, then we're fine. :)