
Are you interesting into trying NSIM 2.0 ?

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Verified User
Apr 9, 2006
Québec, Montréal
Nsim - BETA IS READY !! :D

Hi, my name is Steve and I recently realized there were no good (none that was looking like I wanted) Billing/Invoice manager that is working as a standalone and that is free. I am coding NSIM, which will be a plugin for managing invoice.

I am moving this thread due to it near release.

I will release the basic version for free, and I will be accepting donations for supporting my work as it is really my work... Also, private/enhenced customization is possible, hoping theses peoples that make thousand of dollars can spend a 20-30 buck one-time donation would be welcome so I can eat and feed family. I've seen alot of peoples in this forum claiming :o they would pay for a independant/mySQL Billing system. We gotta see how serious they were... :rolleyes: Mind it, Im about to get operate and I can't work at all... So eating anything else than 2 meal each 3 days would be appreciated :(



NSIM Actually do the following :
(Mean it either developped, in court or finished)

  • Manage reseller invoice,
  • Manage reseller subscription,
  • Modify Status of Invoices
  • Remove wrong subscription and invoice
  • Download Excel and Word sheet of resellers invoices.
  • Suspend reseller from their invoice menu directly.
  • Open, see and print reseller's invoice individually in a printable format.
  • Quick overall statistics in the main page.
  • Manage My Paypal profile, Manage to be paid in 5 paypal major currency!
  • Manage My Profile profile *,
*In case one server have multiple admin which own all their own respective compagny, invoice could display a different compagny through invoice system.

  • Manage customers invoice,
  • Manage customers subscription,
  • Modify Status of Invoices
  • Remove wrong subscription and invoice
  • Download Excel and Word sheet of customers invoices.
  • Suspend customers from their invoice menu directly.
  • Open, see and print customer's invoice individually in a printable format.
  • Quick overall statistics in the main page.
  • Manage My Paypal profile, Manage to be paid in 5 paypal major currency!
  • Manage My Profile profile,
  • See their invoice,
  • Pay their invoice through paypal,
  • See subscriptions
  • Download Excel and Word sheet of invoices.
  • Open, see and print invoice individually in a printable format.
  • Quick overall statistics in the main page.
  • Manage My Paypal profile,
  • Manage My Profile profile,

  • The cron that generate invoice daily will be set to run 4 time a day, on quarter basis. I wont make a configurable crond thing, (you could possibly change it yourself manually). The reason is simple, if your server cant be online at least on one of these quarter, well :/ It ok heh , since it wont be marked as done, as soon as an another generate/process will be done, they will be generated.
  • The Subscriptions Invoice generator script is almost ready, and will support server crash or downtime as long as it can be hit/run someday after the crash to process em.

Here some screenshots :)
Admin section
Reseller section

Customer section
Customer Index
Customer My invoice
Customer My Profile
Customer My Subscription
Customer My Paypal

Also wondering if anyone look foward interested for beta testing this Invoice System for me. If you do, post here thx.

Also suggestions and encouragments are welcome... :P

Best Regard,
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I will release the basic version for free, and I will be accepting donations for supporting my work as it is really my work... Also, private/enhenced customization is possible, hoping theses peoples that make thousand of dollars can spend a 20-30 buck one-time donation would be welcome so I can eat and feed family. I've seen alot of peoples in this forum claiming they would pay for a independant/mySQL Billing system. We gotta see how serious they were...

Seems like a great way to go about it to me.

Also wondering if anyone look foward interested for beta testing this Invoice System for me. If you do, post here thx.

Also suggestions and encouragments are welcome... :P

I'm always willing to beta... I like trying to break things :) IT's fun :)

as for questions.... I ahve a couple:

1) Is it going to be opensource or closed source?

2) if opensource, what type of license are you going to release it under.

Reply to your question.

Hi :)

1. Well, we all know that it is impossible to close source some php files ... even with some kind of license stuff... any reverse engineer could barely skip that license thingies. So I think the closed source idea can be forgetten already heh.

2. Alto I am going to provide php files for free, (open source), I will probably use a private license which will let mr. everyone modify the software with my written permission and deliverying/noticing me the modification they do for their need.

Actually, I got php files ready + a .sql file ready. I dont know how ill make a installer for this, so Ill problably provide a 3 or 4 step instruction (EASY ...) to install this beta. PLEASE, make sure you know how to handle pluggins/mySQL db before want to be beta tester.

Thanks for your times and encouragment guys,

hey hey

Ok im near a beta release, but im still need to be hook with these.

Im very low at bash programming and I got 3 file .php to configure some mysql variable + a .sql to dump + a crond system to be set in place and run securly as admin to generate invoice.

If you can help with these with some quick/complete examples or tutorials, that would be appreciated.

Best Regard,
Steve A.
Maybe a bit late, but if you need another betatester, I hereby volunteer. I think it's also an interesting project for the smaller hosters.

Oh yea, ive being sick last few weeks but dont desespair, im almost done with that ;)

releasing a beta within a month max. Hope get alot of tester to make it realiable and interesting as a free solution :)

Best Regard,

Beta tester

I will be puting a site up to keep track of version change and stuff tommorow.

This version 1.1 should now work properly. Check above for download link

Thanks for support

I will release 1.3 soon with this specific fix

in the crontab you can notice it is misformed that why it is not processing invoice.

you can as root remove the old crontab and make it proper as follow :

0 1 * * * /usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/nsim/admin/nsim_deamon.php

Sorry for inconveniance it cause but remember we are still in development and beta state eh
Af few points i'd like to see, you should insert the option to change the valuta from dollar to ... ( euro e.d ). And i would also like to see bank transfer as payment option :).

Keep up the goodwork.

This is or will be available.

If you check in the paypal profile of each persons (admin or reseller), you can specify the currency you would like to be paid in :)

Do this answer your question ?

Best Regard,
Very useful tools,
If there is a option of allowing us to upload the bill in pdf instead of them downloading in words or excel.
How can people actually apply for hosting using this system? Is there a form customers can fill out to sign up for hosting or do I have to do things by hand?