
Are you interesting into trying NSIM 2.0 ?

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To answer briefly, no and yes.

no because I just got out of hospital for major surgery and I didnt had time to buglist and such, and no one really contacted me about it.

yes because since im poor and need to do something out my life, im building a large scale e-portal for ecommerce atm. We are almost done with a release and we mind about integrating it with our DA which will require me to finish a functionnal version of NSIM

altho.. meantime if someone really interested into that, since I didnt had any news, donations or nothing.. help me by making a buglist so I can fix/them fast. As you understand better my situation, im disabled and im almost in street at the moment. so any interesment into this project and my eportal one will be appreciated as well...

Best Regard,
Steve Arbour
Here's my bug list

I had to convert every mysql_num_rows to @mysql_num_rows

When I edit the plans, it doesn't appear to save anything. I cannot find any errors, but haven't tried to do any extensive tracking

Anyone else with bugs? Post them here..
Hi david:

Usually, you shouldnt have to add @ "ignore error" statement everywhere, neither have problem saving package/plans. If you do, verify your sql table if they were created properly.

Also here a know bug list :

INVOICE CROND do generate invoice 1 days in advance.

Lacking feature :
Integrated paypal corner.
Download the package to your desktop. Login as admin, and go down to "Package Manager". Choose "from file", select the package, enter your password and hit go.

You can then control it from the NSIM icon on the main screen.

Nice tool, so far i like it but the first bill isnt due until the 10th so hard to say as of yet. Is there a current bug list?

I actually did install it. I had several issues getting it to work with ssl. That was resolved and now I am trying to figure out its conventions. It looks very nice. I am in the same boat.. waiting for these subscriptions/invoices to hit their deadlines.

A bug list/update progress would be great. Is the developer still interested in this project?

I'm very interested in using this plugin, but as it is right now, I'm getting the following errors:

Warning: mysql_fetch_object(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/nsim/admin/index.html on line 58
Warning: mysql_fetch_object(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/nsim/admin/index.html on line 61
Warning: mysql_fetch_object(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/nsim/admin/index.html on line 58
Warning: mysql_fetch_object(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/nsim/admin/index.html on line 61

Are you planning on finishing this project?
Jackiegoal said:
I'm very interested in using this plugin, but as it is right now, I'm getting the following errors:

Are you planning on finishing this project?

Make sure that plugins installation is successful, since database is created during install.

Check nsim database via phpmyadmin by login as da_admin username.

You may create database manually and dump the sql file provided with nsim then set the database username password in mysql.php
How to log in as "da_admin"?

I'll check all this when I get home, but I've never heard of a DB entry called da_admin !?

You should look more into your DA box :D

Jackiegoal said:
How to log in as "da_admin"?

I'll check all this when I get home, but I've never heard of a DB entry called da_admin !?
Hmm, okay, well, I'm currently testing AWBS and it appears to be just what I'm looking for, provided that it can do what it says it can.
It won't even find the mysql.php that should be there. Anyone knows what the contents should be?
Okay, I generated one and now it kind of works. When I export my invoices to Word as a reseller, however, it will fail and say there's "no such file" :(
The latest version of NSIM (1.1) still have a few bug.

This is the only one major bug I found.

Add new subscription - By using values stored in package (Click on use this package), price will displayed in the text field with comma and will cause conversion error when save to database 1,234.00 will be 0 not 1234 you have to reenter the value without comma and decimal (value are stored as integer)

And the feature to handle earier payment.

Invoice will generate automatically every x days of subscription cycle, how ever I have a smart customer paid before the date invoice created then I have to enter payment manually and the invoice still automatically created on date, then I have to delete it but user will got email said he had invoice waiting.
Is this plugin still active?, arbours if you are still active here, please PM me
The last time arbours posted on these forums was nine days less than a year ago, on August 25, 2006.


Thanks for all your support ladies and gentlements, I am back from a major cutdown of inet and big surgery / back problem

I am finally back, and I'm planning to do several update in 2008 (Including porting the pluggin to PHP5). I am not rich, neither have alot of free time, therefore, it might be a bit slow, but I promise updates, and new pluggins will also come soon. I will keep this thread updated when it happen, so please subscribe to it and thanks again for all the support. I Really appreciate it,
I really like DA, and that why I try to make free thing, I even got offered to buy my NSIM rights, but definitly I've refused. I want this to stay free, and open source.

In 2008, I will plan out how we could all maybe work together, and make a sort of REPO/CVS of pluggins for DA. I'd really appreciate if somes of you already have a system that the majority of poeple use here for team dev of pluggin without sharing access to personal stuff, like I dont know, a CVS stable server, or some other solution, please just PM it to me and explain thanks. Otherwise, I'll dig up and make something available.

My Best Regards,
(And sorry if my english suck.. Im not english Native heh)
